the unaccompanied voice

i’m partial to a cappella singing in a several genre. i’m hoping i’m not alone in this and, thus, seek recommendations of such performances from my compatriots on the ‘gon. let me begin with a listing of a few recordings that are among my favorites:

• fairfield four; almost anything, but particularly “standing in the safety zone” and “I couldn’t hear nobody pray.”

• the persuasions; “frankly a cappella” (a tribute to zappa) and “might as well” (a tribute to GD)

• the bobs; “...cover the songs of”

• “the unaccompanied voice” (secretly canadian cd)

• the roches; “the roches”

• chanticleer; “colors of love”

• anonymous 4; “11,000 virgins” (hidegard von bingen), also , not quite a cappella but beautiful “voices of light” (richard einhorn)

please share some of yours.

thanks all for your great suggestions thus far. anybody out there with any doo-wop faves?

There are some Gregg Smith Doo-Wop arrangements of Thomas Morley (Elizabethan) madrigals; not sure if they are on CD. They were sung on NPR Garrison Keillor's show, so may be available. We are performing two of them at a free concert in Baltimore on 2/24, along with the traditional madrigal. They are very funny.
thanks, sugar, i'll take a look. BTW, "prairie home companion" is on many NPR stations but is produced and owned by PRI (public radio international). PRI is quite a controversial group, particularly after their buying out a number of so. calif. public radio stations. i mean, try to imagine getting off your board, driving your woody back to your favorite la jolla coffee bar and then having to listen to a show produced in st. paul, minnesota. where in hell is st. paul? for that matter, where in hell is minnesota? thought that was a part of canada, where all the cops still wear those cool red uniforms and travel around on dog sleds. on king! on, you huskies!. -cfb
I got my music and it was done on Garrison's American Radio Company programs when he was in New York. There are some real audio (not Garrison's) sample clips at:
If you don't have Opus3 #77-06, "Black is the Color", you should. Meant to post this earlier. :)