Choice of Wire for Dedicated Line

I'm planning on having a dedicated line run directly to the service panel. There is a LOT of RF in this area; as we have an antenna farm within a few miles. Any specific recommendations for wire?
OK, I’m sure the 43’ run of Belden 83802 is burned in and sounding good. In a blind A/B comparison test Belden 83802 (v) 10 gauge solid UV and Romex with identical Hubbell 8200 cryoed outlets I cannot hear a difference, they all sound good! That’s not saying anything negative about any wire.
I would guess that if one were to make a power cord, the Belden 83802 would be the way to go, as a matter of fact I own one and really like it!
Thank You!, for your response to my query. Your experience is greater than mine, but....I am just getting to the point at which I was beginning to wonder about the characteristics you describe as "brighter and with a coarser grain". I have made too many changes (in the midst of a house remodel) to be sure, but your words strike me as having the distinct ring of truth.

Your methodology of testing Romex makes perfect sense. I will definitely be using your method.

I can understand your remarks about grounds. I had not considered the issues of the voltage variation, but I can easily understand why you would find differences. For myself, I have found the greatest success with dedicated circuits coupled with true isolated grounds, seperated from the remainder of the household circuits. I understand the issues of potential ground differential, but I have placed the rods in close proximity, and have done my best to create identical parallel systems.
Ended up running shielded 10-3 with ground for 20 watt service, grounded to a discrete copper dedicated grounding rod.

Dollar for dollar, this is probably one of the most effective "tweaks" I've done for my system, and could go on at great length re: the sonic benefits.

Bottom line: If you've ever considered it and can; do it.
Yup. I recommend Belden 83802/3 for oustandingly pure and noisefree dedicated lines. May NOT be code-approved in all states. RSVP for details.