Speaker Cable for Avalon Eidolons

I'm looking to upgrade my speaker cables (currently Audio Magic Socerer). My amp is an Accuphase A-50v. I'm looking for a fairly neutral cable as I am not trying to correct any system deficiency. My dealer is recommending Tara the Ones and was wondering what all you "Audiogoners" think.
Newton is right'Beware of other peoples opinions". I would try the HMS cables with the 30 day free trial. These are excellent speakers and deserve the best.
The Scandinavia importer of Avalon use Argento with his Avalons. www.argento.dk
About a year ago he used Transparent XXL.
I also use Argento in my system as well. Sadly I have no Avalons, Yet......
Hey Newton, if what matters is the cable-amplifier interaction, why should he call Avalon? He should call Accuphase, no?
I have contacted both Avalon and Axiss (the US distributer for Accuphase) and both are noncommittal.
Manufacturers usually are. They don't want to piss anybody off. Avalon is especially mealy-mouthed in my experience. (Is that the term?)