Modify/Tweak Monster Cable HTS-2500 conditioner?


I'm wondering if anyone out there has any experience and advice to share on modifying a Monsster Cable HTS-2500 power conditioner. I'm thinking of installing a better power cable (just an Asylum/Belden piece) and would welcome any suggestions for other modifications while inside. Thanks!
Also how about treating all internal connections with (is it TPT or TCP?) contact enhancer, followed by a good contact cleaner. Just read about this stuff in the new Music Direct catalog which arrived yesterday.
Perhaps add in some Shakti Onlines as well?
Add some spike footers underneath, & some antiresonant chassis treatment to the inside cover panels (Dynamat, Carmolin, or any of the numerous other similar self-adhesive vibration-damping products).
Some of this may be overkill; just throwing out some ideas...
Are you plugging your amp into the 2500 or just your line level components ? Sean
The Wirewrap is effective and Bob is right on about lifting the power bar and placing "something" under it. I believe bricks are good, especially combined with something else[modeling clay or blue tac works]. I now use a cro'd VD extension cord on the monster cord[and it works big time]. But I run the amp directly into the wall[Sean is spot on there.]
Replace it! I had one and found it to veil transisent attacks no matter where I put the ac plugs.

By the way-don't put ac plugs next to each other-try staggering them-it improves the sound.
Thanks so much for the great responses! Sean, I am plugging the amp directly into the wall. For kicks I did try plugging the amp in the "AMP" port but the sound somehow became harsh up top, flatter and the quality of the bass dropped off noticably! I now have the preamp plugged into the "A/V Reciever" I believe it is called port with less filtering and so far prefer it slightly, as it seems a trace smoother, dynamic and still has a silent background and improved imaging.

I still have a very small buzz that I can hear from the speakers if my ear is 3" or less from the speakers, which worsens with the TV plugged in anywhere in the house or even the Monster conditioner, which is driving me nuts! It's very minor and probably wouldn't bug most people but I know I should be able to get rid of this static. I will try the P/C swap, the wrap, contact treatment and some dampening material to see what happens. Thanks again for the ideas.