un-screwing acoustic zen cables

My Acoustic Zen interconnects have become impossible to remove from my components! The scew-up end-of-cable plugs just will not un-screw. Every single connection has the same problem. I'm now not sure which way to twist to undo them. I've tried pliars and WD40. Nothing will release them. Any similar experiences? Any ideas on how to take off the cables?

I've had so much trouble, the sockets on the pre-amp and CDP are becoming loosened from the cabinet - and one has been damaged :(

Thanks for any help!
These description are way too complicated. Hold the cable like you'd hold a bottle of ketchup and unscrew the barrel like you'd unscrew the lid on the bottle.

BTW, these locking connectors sound best with the minimum of mechanical resistance felt during tightening with just the thumb and index finger. Tightening much further, like an additional quarter or half turn, degrades the sonics dramatically. You'll hear soundstage height and depth collapse when you overtighten.
My symphathies to you, Nickw. Harmonic Tech uses the same connectors as AZ and I agree they suck. I've taken to simply not tighening them at all to avoid this problem.
The connectors work fine. You just have to be careful not to over tighten them. It is actually pretty easy to do. Try moving the cable a little when you try getting them off. It has to be exactly straight. If you've been turning them the wrong way and tightning them---well, good luck! I know these suckers can redefine locking if they get too tight.
I have done this a few times because the cable had the connector in a little bind. You couldn't tell how tight they were.
I've got the Silway MK2. While facing the front of the component, therefore, the cables' ends are facing me, i twist the barrel counterclockwise to loosen the connection.