Repairing/Modifying Bow ZZ-8

I am a not-particularly proud owner of a ZZ-8 that needs fixing. I'd like to find a reputable CDP modifier to do the work in the US. Bow has no US service center and I don't want to ship the unit overseas. If you've had a good experience with a CDP repair or hot-rod shop, please let me know, regardless of whether your CDP was a Bow or not. I've got a similar posting on the asylum, but have yet to get the help I'm looking for, so I thought I'd try here. Many thanks.
Ambrosia Audio (Southern California area) use to carry Bow. I suggest you call them and ask about possible repairs. Their web site is:
Please also contact the company High-End & Audiophile Equipment Repair Service In House Service Company
12 Technology Drive, Ste 13
Setauket, NY 11733

I have never used them but their ad below sounds like you should contact them. I copied the following info from their web site (address is listed below):

We Repair All Brands of Solid State and Vacuum Tube Audio Equipment
We do high quality repair work at reasonable prices. We are open Monday To Friday 10:00 to 6:00; Saturday 10:00 until 12 noon, Eastern Time. Please call on us when you need professional, affordable repair work on your equipment.
All Ship-In repaired Items are delivered by UPS and insured.

Good luck..cheers........
I have used In House Service Company. They fixed and modified my Altis transport. They did a great job. I highly recommend them. They also fixed my Jadis tube amp.