Why is Double Blind Testing Controversial?

I noticed that the concept of "double blind testing" of cables is a controversial topic. Why? A/B switching seems like the only definitive way of determining how one cable compares to another, or any other component such as speakers, for example. While A/B testing (and particularly double blind testing, where you don't know which cable is A or B) does not show the long term listenability of a cable or other component, it does show the specific and immediate differences between the two. It shows the differences, if at all, how slight they are, how important, etc. It seems obvious that without knowing which cable you are listening to, you eliminate bias and preconceived notions as well. So, why is this a controversial notion?
I think that double blind testing was invented to confuse people, and put them in a state of mind that is too over-stressed to "perform under pressure". This virtually ensures the confused outcome which is interpreted as a "scientific proof" that he can't tell the difference between products. It is mainly used to justify the psychological and financial need to not spend money on gear, but still be convinced that you have the best, without having to pay for it. The cover story is that the audiophiles who can hear something are "deluding themselves" psychologically about hearing the differences. I maintain that the ones who don't want to spend money are "deluding themselves" into not hearing differences. So who's right?
I wonder if a real "blind test" is what is meant here. Certainly swapping any component in and out of your system will allow you to get an idea of what difference it makes. You will even be able to describe the difference, and note it for future reference. Nothing controversial about that. But a "blind" test involves hiding the identity of the component from the listener, who then chooses his or her preference. There are several things wrong with doing it this way, aside from the practical problem of finding someone you trust to swap components in your system while you are unable to observe him.

One theory has it that we are better equipped physically to notice similarities rather than differences. And as you say, the choice for the long term should be made on the basis of a longer term listen. Otherwise we may listen for the wrong things... at worst, for hi-fi and not for music.
Drubin's right about double-blind: it means that nobody in the room knows which is which. And researchers use it because they've learned that there are all sorts of ways that someone can subconsciously indicate which is which to whoever is actually doing the comparing. If you want to be absolutely sure that there's no outside influence (intentional or not) and that you're making your decisions based only on the sound, double-blind is essential.

That said, the main reason DBTs are controversial is that they tend to produce results that are at odds with the received wisdom of audiophilia.
Blind testing serves no useful purpose. It presumes that by switching cables in and out of ONE system, that you will uncover something fundamental about the cables. I think not.
I think that double blind testing is essential. I have actually fooled myself. Upon receiving something new in the mail, I immediately hook it up, and am "astounded" by how much better it sounds that what it replaced. After a prolonged listen, and especially if I have my wife switch the component in and out, which is not double blind, but single blind, I find myself hitting it about 50/50, which means that I can't tell the difference. When we purchase some expensive tweak we badly want not to have lost our money that we justify it by things like, "less listener fatigue" or once long term break in has taken place it will fall into place. I've seen cables described as "a night and day difference" Well, while you're at work have someone switch one of them with out telling you which one, or even if nothing has been done. If it's night and day you'll spot it immediately.