Help i'm lost... what cd player to buy ??

ok here is the system i will get ( only have om-10 for now )

Classe CAV-75 or bryston sb4 *2 ..
Mirage OM-9 to replace om-10 in front and put the OM-10 in the back ..

i plan to get a bryston Sp1 pre/proc if money is there later on and i can get a good deal ..or maybe even classe SP30

this system will mainly be used for stereo CD musci at ~90% of time..and the rest for DTS- DVD and games ..

SO i need to get a good cd player to use with my current WOW AKAI 1970 receiver :p hehe and my OM-10
i do not wish to spend 1000$USD on a cd player, so i'm really ocnsidering to get a used player..
but i want it to be a good player as it will be part of my system later on :) ..

i was considering a nakamichi MB-10 or MB-8 ..cause it's pretty cheap..and almost everybody told me that the sound is great..

but i do not think it seriously would be up to the point that it could be used with the kinda PRE and AMPS i am planning to get ..
mmy listening room now is quite small..but i wanna keep this equipment for later on when i'll buy my condo and have a larger living room to listen to music ..

what would be a good CD player investment ??
and how much should i be paying for it!

thank you!!!

JIN :)
If you do not want to spend a lot of money, a good choice brand new is the Cambridge Audio D500SE. Comes with a Crystal 24bit/192Mhz DAC. List is $480. Can be purchased new for $399 at; and some demos available at all the time for $350 ($429 new at AA). AudioAdvisor has a 30 day return policy which could allow you to demo it. I can also state that Dick Moulding at Spearit in Northampton, MA is first rate. Been buying from him for over 20 years.

Jin- Check into a used Sony XA7ES. For about $800 used, it's a bargain of a CD player, and a very good transport if you decide to use an outboard DAC at a later date. Good luck.
thanks both ..

i was thinking of something more in the 500$ rpice range..
but something that was worth little more when new..

there is one problem though
i cannot relly try it on my current system as my amp is a relly really old (***)akai 1970 something..

so i can't demo anything and test to see if it pleases me..

that's why i want a lot of feedback from you people here that know there stuff more than me :p

so i can purchase something that i'll be using and that i'll like :)

is it worth to invest on a SACD player ?
or should i just get a cd player ?

one ohter thing i was thinking about..
would the sony SACD/DVD 999ES i worth it ?
i know it's more than 500$
probly in the 800-900$ but it's a nice DVD at the same time..+ SACD .. what do you think ?

tanx again!
I own a Sony 9000ES and for CD it is not that great. Sounds really good with SACD. Does anyone know the name of the entry Musical Fidelity CD player? The one below the X-ray? Its the same player in a regular box. The thing lists for $995, and is supposed to be gold. Check out Stereophile's review. They loved it.