Verdict on Pure Note, Ridge Street w solid state ?

Can anyone share their experiences with these cables on Solid State equipment ? basics are Integra Research Digital pre amp, Classe 301 Amp and Legacy Signature III speakers.
The question is have Silver based interconnects and speaker cables reached the point where solid state usuers can enjoy the extra detail of silver w/o the harshness and listenening fatigue of earlier designs ? Also if anyone ever tried out Stealth UR , silver based speaker cables your thoughts are appreciated . Gracias !
My vote also goes to Pure Note. I have listened to their cables on both tube and solid state gear. The cables are smooth yet dynamic. IMO, there is no cable on the market, even at 4x the price, that compares to Epsilon Reference version four. Pure Note hit a home run with the version four as the earlier versions were somewhat bright and thin. I applaud their efforts for continuing research and product refinement.
Which is the overall best, sonically, between Ridge Street Audio, Pure Note, and Pure Silver Sound interconnects and speaker cables? Anyone compared all three?
Can someone please comment where these cables put the soundstage: up in front or far behind the speakers...for example, I read that Acoustic Zen cables puts the singer further back while Audience cable present the singer front and center.

Hi Souporhero.

With our offerings, the soundstage perspective has more to do with the electronics than the cables themselves so it's hard to say. What I can tell you is that regardless of perspective, the soundstaging our cables allow is very palpable. Providing it's in the recording and the gear can be faithful to the recording, you should experience a soundstage that portrays a very realistic depth of imaging that also reveals convincing front to back layering. Lateral imaging is excellent also. Simply put, the Ridge Streets are very capable of a realistic dimensional soundstage. One recording I enjoy and use as a reference in this regard is Harmonia Mundi's recording of La Folia. Charmingly playful and a very good recording that can be quite instructive.

Hope that's helpful.

Kind Regards,