Theta DS Pro Gen VI - update

This may or may not be news to all of you, but it was for me. I just phoned Theta to clarify a point regarding an option on a DS Pro Gen Va. After doing so I solicited comments about the possibility of a Gen VI. The response I received was, "Gen VIII." I said, "what?" Response, "I'm looking at a Gen VIII right here. It's in pieces." Q: "Is there an upgrade path from the Va?" A: "I don't think so, this looks completely different."

I inferred that there is not going to be Gen VI. It seems clear that the speaker didn't believe an upgrade path existed, which would imply that the "VIII" won't have the "DS Pro" nomenclature because this would be inconsistent with Theta's upgrade policy. It's important to note the use of the words "think" and "looks" in the last sentence of the previous paragraph.
About four months ago or so, I e-mailed Theta inquiring about the Gen 6 and was told it would be available in January unless there was a major problem/interuption. I will e-mail again and see what the scoop is here. I would be surprised that Theta wouldn't want upgrade $$$.

Who knows when it comes to Theta. I sold my Gen Va months ago. I gave up on waiting for the Gen VI. Every time I emailed them about it I was told that the Gen VI was going to be out in the next 6 months. They announced the thing in January 1998! I doubt very much that a Gen VI or VIII will appear by January 2002. They make quality digital products but when they started making surround processors (two versions of the Casablanca already!)and multi-channel amplifiers instead of upgrading their two channel products I new it was time for me to move on.

Who did you talk to at Theta? I called Ed Dietermyer of Theta in early September and he told me that the ProGen VI would be out in January or early next year and that the ProGenVa would indeed be upgradable.