Worst remote nomination...

I wish to nominate the remote to my Wadia 861xi CDP as the worst of a large number of remotes I have lying around the house. The little buttons are irrationally located, have obscure labels, and need to be pushed just so to get them to work. On top of that, it practically takes a sniper scope to get it pointed so it will operate the player from just ten feet away. What were they thinking?

Sorry, just had to vent.

Anyone else have remotes they love to hate?

Believe it or not, but I guess that I had reel-to-reel deck Otari MX5050 BII with remote controll that I used to connect with wires in rear pannel of the deck. It was the size of pocket cassette player and had buttons to rewind, play, fast-forward, memory reset and speed selection.
Recently I went to a local high-end shop and was sitting in the "good" room, waiting for the guy I wanted to speak with to finish with someone else. I picked up the remote to a $38,000 CD player and started to laugh. The other guy who worked there came by and asked me what was so funny; I said "Feel this." and gave him the remote. It was so solid and so more substantial than any remote I'd ever held before, "You hold that and you immediately understand that whatever it is that it controls is something you'll never be able to afford." Hell, the cables in the room cost more than both my cars.
While I have extensive experience with both direct tv and dish network, the one (and only!) comparitive thing I hate about dish is....the remotes. I have several sitting in a drawer someplace as they have a really hard time lasting more than 18-24 months.

I have, for one reason or another, been through three dish network receivers (two of which are currently in use) and I have only one good remote left. I shal soon be upgrading to dish network High Definition, so I get a couple of more remotes. Lucky me.
Old Marantz CD-65 CD changer remote. It's a ultra thin membrane remote. The damned thing broken on the second week. After replacing it under warranty, it broke again in less than 3 months. Gave up and used the universal remote instead.