how to upgrade this digital front end ?

The last six years I am using an ARC CDT1 transport, a Genesis Digital Lens and an ARC DAC3 (first version) connected with Translite ST glass cable.

I wonder if there is a possible upgrade with vast improvements on the sound quality of redbook cd's, on a budget of 10,000 USD.

Any suggestions ?
fatparrot: it's the accuphase 85v that plays sacd's. the 75v uses upsampling, unlike the earlier dp-75. the 75v can be upgraded to serve as an sacd dac, but its transport will not output an sacd signal. -cfb.
1) Get a Naim CDS2. Better and completely different than any digital I've heard. If you want more traditional CD sound, try the new Accuphase DP 85. 2) Try putting an ExactPower or Power Plant on your CD unit; a precisely controlled AC feed does wonders for digital.
Thanks for your reactions so far. With regard to the AC power: I'm already using a PS Audio Ultimate Outlet and P300 Multiwave PowerPlant with powercords from Wireworld, BMI, Electraglide and Marigo. Analogue front end: SME 20A turntable with SME V arm and van den Hul Black Beauty cartridge.
Try an Audio Tekne cd transformer between your dac and transport.It made an unbelievable improvement to an already excellent Audiomeca Mephisto II and the enkianthus dac combo. I am not sure what the technology is due to the unreadable English translation but it took out all the glare and relaxed the highs without taking away from the music.
I had my mind elsewhere when I wrote about the DP-75v. I still love the performace/price ratio of the DP-75 (earlier version). B.T.W. have you had the oppurtunity to A/B the 75 with the 75v? What did you think?