ML 390S vs dCS Verdi/Purcell/Elgar Plus

Currently owing a ML No 39 as digital source, I am planning to upgrade my system to either the new ML No 390S or (very expensive...) a dCS Verdi/Purcell/Elgar Plus combination. I have no heard the No 390S yet, but people have told me this is an absolute fantastic processor which has little in common with the No 39 and is even near SACD sound (?!). What interests me is whether the quality difference justifies the extreme price difference between these components. Any other recommendations welcome on upgrading my source.
the 390S shares quite a lot with the 39. It is my understanding that the is field upgradeable, and the only change is replacement of the analog board. Check with your dealer, but this is what my dealer has told me. Same DACS.
you cant compare the both,not same price range not same level .one is 600 mercedes other is 200 mercedes.
mercedes 200 is good but isnt 600.right?
Actually, the only reason I was considering upgrading to dCS is the possibility of upsampling (I owe approx. 8,000.00 classic CDs and this is the music I will listen to during the rest of my life). I am not interested in new formats but in how to get the most out of my existing library (Is my current collection a hidden goldmine?). Mark Levinson has published an article on what they call the "myth of upconversion" ( It is quit convincing I must say. But the dCS articles ( and Robert Harley's comments in the Complete Guide to High-End Audio too! I do not know what the situation in the US is, but here in Europe the possibilities to listen to such expensive components are non-existing so we have to decide on the basis of literature and reviews and, of course, the Audiogon forum. I would like to emphasize that all advise concerning the very best digital sources is welcome! I am seriously considering to go for either dCS (Verdi/Purcell/Elgar Plus or ML 30.6; maybe the 390S.
If you own 8000+ CDs, I would strongly recommend you the Accuphase DP-75V CD player. Results indicate that the Accuphase player is way smoother than the dCS gear which is slightly "analytical" as dCS people have been closely working with studio engineers and CD mastering facilities and prefer the extra analyticalness. See stereophile for a deatiled review of the Accuphase v/s dCS. For an audiophile who own 8000+ CDs, a simple one-box unit of the highest quality as mentioned above should be the "priority" as opposed to a separate CD transport, upsampler, dac etc and associated cables. I was earlier using dCS gear and have now switched over to the DP-75V and must say, the accuphase has "soul" and more musical. The DP-75V also supports addt. cards so the unit is future upgradable and also accomodated future expansion.