Advice for new vinyl gear

Hello members,

I've been visiting this site for about a year and I finally decide to make a post. I just bought a new home entertainment center that consists of an LG 44" LCD rear projection TV, a Pioneer Elite VSX-56TXi, Pioneer Elite DV-59AVi, Def Tech 7006TL, and Def Tech CLR 2300 speakers. I also have some Sonance 622TR speakers in the ceiling for surrounds. It's a real simple system right now and it is the best sounding stereo system I've ever owned. I have found myself listening to alot of music with this setup compared to my old entry level system that is now in the bedroom. The store that I bought all my new equipment from has a Music Hall MMF-5 at a very good price that I want to get. I've wanted to get back into vinyl for some time now but never had the equipment that would support a higher quality table like this. The receiver does have a phono stage. My plan is to get it within the next few weeks and add it to my new system. I've already bought a couple of records at some local shops. My questions are about record and equipment care and maintenance. What kind of stuff am I going to need right off the bat to get the most out of this setup? What do I need to clean the records? Brush? Static Gun? What do I need to get the table set up properly?
I'll just chime in that I started with a Music Hall, a MMF 7, and completely agree with Twl. These are good tables for the money and will serve you well. Watch out, though. You may get bitten by the analog bug!
Thanks for the advice guys. I've read about the VPI record cleaning machines. They seem to get good reviews and are within my price range. I believe the VPI 16.5 is at or around $500. I know there are probably better machines but I don't want to spend $2K on something like that right now. I only have 4 albums with me so the cost per album ratio is kinda high. I do, however, have several lps at my parents house that I will pick up at Thanksgiving. My Dad also has a huge lp collection. I may grab of few of the ones I liked the most as a kid. One of the main reasons I want to get back into vinyl is that it will give me and my son something to do together as he gets older. Kids today need to learn how to appreciate and take care of things. What better way to teach than with something as delicate as turntables and vinyl.
Are you a handy man? If so you can build RCM that will work every bit as good as a VPI and for a lot less money. It is pretty simple and it would be another great project to work on with your son.

Check out this page.
Galen Carol Audio has the best prices I've found of VPI cleaners. Much better than $500.
Hello again guys. I've had my new MMF-5 for a week now and I've listened to it for about 3 hours each night. I think it sounds great. I like the looks of the table in my system. It fits perfectly in our entertainment ceter. I have it on the base self near the floor. The DVD/CD player is next to it in the right side cabinet. I do most of my listening from the floor anyway. My collection is also growing. I bought 5 lps on Saturday at a local record dealer. He said if I ever want something that's not in his store to let him know because he has over 100,000 records at his house! Anyway, I just wanted to ask a few more questions like: How long does it take for the Goldring cartridge to break in? Also, How long does a cartridge last and how do you know when it needs replacing? Same for the stylus? Will the needle need replacing before the cart? If so where do you get replacements for the Goldring? I'm sure I'll have more questions later. Thanks for reading and for the help.