Upgrade amp power cable or not?

I just got two Monster HTS2000. Do I still need to upgrade the power cable for my amp? I have a Unison Research Unico Hybrid amp. What does a high quality power cable do that a stock pc can't. I can never understand the importance of the pc. If the wire in the walls are only as good as home depot cable how can a high end pc help? Does it improve current? Or does it reduse power line noise? Please help me justify a pc upgrade or not. Thanks.
I'm sorry, I didn't read your post carefully. I didn't realize you just purchased those babies. As Gilda Radner use to say on Saturday Night Live, "never mind." Email me, in the future, should you find it's not happening with your Monsters. Voodoo? Ouch!
Don't hook your amp to any conditioner, plug it right into the wall. You can buy used cables here or at www.usedcables.com, if it works for you, great, keep it, if not you can resell it for what you paid and be better off for the experience. Also, don't let people flat out tell you to sell your Monster, they probably have never heard it and just don't like the name, instead, if you have doubts, try another brand in home before selling it, or any component for that matter. More $$$ does not ever insure more performance, no more then esoteric brands are always superior to the stuff you buy at Tweeter. For the money I doubt you will find a better conditioner, but, again, don't run your amp through it.
Actually I have owned four Monster Conditioners. It is OK for connecting a receiver, VCR, and basic TV (which is where my remaining ones are), but it is still a cheap piece of plastic. Just remember the reverse. Many of those that don't believe in a good power conditioner, don't own one, and therefore have not or cannot compare a cheap conditioner with a good one, and with just plugging into the wall.

Some are blessed with a good clean power source, and some higher cost gear actually has a built-up power supply with some conditioning techniques built in. I'll hear from some that say conditioning does not work, and they list their gear which includes components with their own built in conditioning. So it does work and they don't know it.

I know from years of testing in my home the value of a good conditioner, good cables, and clean electric power. They all have their place. Unless you have dedicated lines, plugging into the wall is in many cases not the best answer, especially for those in apartments.
That brings to my mind another question - how do I go about testing my AC to ascertain how clean it is? Are there standard testing devices (hopefully, cheap ones...) to easily find out?

Also, how do I find out if my equipment has some level of power conditioning in the power supply? I have a Plinius 8200 MK1 integrated.

Thanks in advance for any responses.

I found that in my system, the sound improved when I did away with the all power conditioning and just ran my newly purchased Pure Note Sigma Power cords (www.purenote.com) directly from my Krell amps (or anything else) directly into my dedicated audiograde outlets.
