Lost in the Powercord Jungle

I am interested in upgrading my stock powercords and am totally confused by all the ads, claims and choices available. All the sales hype makes me sketical. I would like to ask my fellow Audiogner's what they might suggest for my system and any experiences they have had with thier powercords. I am searching for a more open sound with more dynamics and greater detal. My budget would need to be around $1.5k max per cord. I have the Mark Levinson Model 32 Reference preamp, Model 30.6 DAC, Model 31.5 Transport. My power amps are Krell FPB 350 MC monoblocks with hard wired cords. (should I change these out and have a 20amp EIC male socket installed to allow the use of an upgraded powercord?) Finally, all my speaker and I/C's are Transparent Reference XL and speakers are Dynaudio Temptations.

Thank you in advance for your input!

I don't see how these responses helped you. Seems to have added to (or verified) the confusion! But, let us know what you do.

[BTW: I use Acoustic Zen Tsunami and Ernie's DIY kit]
Piperdan, out of curiosity, what room acoustic treatments, if any, do you currently use? You do not mention any.
I bought the Virtual Dynamics Nite and 2 Virtual Dynamics Signiture power chords for 1000 dollars (for all three). They were all used chords but in mint condition. They were also cryoed and 3' in length. I could have gotton the 5' for a little more but I didn't need the extra length.

There is a dealer listed on Audiogon who sells at this price. I also bought a Audio Magic Stealth power line conditioner (cryoed and used) for my system. All I can say is I am not looking to change my setup. I am very happy with what I got.