Nordost Valhalla - Opinions please

I have a couple questions about this interconnect. I am currently auditioning a 1 meter balanced pair. I have directly compared this interconnect against the Audioquest Anaconda, which is a very good addition to my system. The Nordost clearly beats the Audioquest at lower volumes, with more detail, a bigger soundstage, ect. Today was the first day I listened at a higher volume since the interconnects have been on. At low volumes I thought this cable was a keeper without a doubt, but at higher volumes I am experiencing some harsh highs and it seems like leaner bass. I've read some posts here regarding this cable stating this cable can do that on the weakest part of the system. There have been posts by people who have experienced this same thing. If I have a weak link in my system, I'm really not sure where it is. You can click on my systems tag here at Audiogon to view my system without writing all components here. My question is: Are there other recommendations to upgrade interconnects from Anacondas without added brightness. I love what the Nordost brings to the table as far as detail and soundstage, but I still like to hold my music together at high volumes and experience the same overall sound without losing my bass. The Audioquest at higher volumes has deeper bass and the highs and midrange arent' bright, but I lose some of the Nordost magic with the overall soundstage. Don't get me wrong, the Nordost sounds great on my system, but there are a few things as far as the sound I would change. Before I commit to this much money, I'm looking for opinions of interconnects to audition for my system before I make a final decision. Thanks for any help.
I have not heard the Valhalla IC in my system, but I have heard the Valhalla speaker cables (simply amazing).

If the Valhalla is not doing it for you, I would suggest trying to demo the following ICs: VD Nite (latest version), Silversmith, Omega Micro, and Jena Labs. This would be my short list. I have the VD Nite ICs now, and I like them a lot so far. They are still breaking in.

One thing about your system is that it looks like you have no preamp. I am not a big fan of running a CDP into an amp. This may be fabulous for you, but I would be willing to bet if you got yourself a nice SS preamp (tube preamps can be tough with Pass amps I have heard), you might not have this problem. Of coarse you would have to spend a lot more $$$.

The other thing you may want to play with more are power cords. If you put a different power cord on your Wadia, this problem might clear up. You may want to try a BMI Shark power cord. They are not cheap, but inserting them into a system can make one's system sound much more tube-like. Also, the El Dorado cords are so-so, I would look a moving to the Audience Power Chord. These Audience Chords are really the best bang for the buck in power chords, and they are relatively inexpensive.

Also, how do you like that Kimber power cord? Let me know.

You might want to give Empirical Holophonic cables a try, and save some money in the bargain. It has clarity and bass. Let us know what you think of them. They have a 30 day trial, I believe.
I used to own the Valhallas but now own Siltech Compass Lake. You might want to try the Pure Note Epsilon Ref. as it is more musical and close to the Siltech (which says alot). Pure Note:
Tok20000 mentions some good points.

As a side note, I do not see in your system description that your amp is on a dedicated line. Your amp is drawing enough current that if there is even one other component sharing that circuit, you are probably choking it of power. Even at lower listening levels. At the very least you would probably experience a lack of dynamics.

If the amp is not on it's own circuit, is it possible that Valhallas are a bit better in exposing this deficiency to you?

My only experience with Valhallas is that I've heard them but it's been several years and the system was unfamiliar. So I guess I really didn't 'hear' them.

Nevertheless, supposedly Valhalla has some competition these days with cables found at more reasonable prices.

The Pure Note Epsilon Reference ic is preferred by some here on A'gon over the Valhallas ic's.

Also, the Audience Au24 speaker cable is preferred by some here on A'gon and at least one reviewer in Stereophile over Valhalla sc's.

With my budget, I've chosen the Pure Note Epsilon ic's and Audience Au24 sc's so hopefully I have the best of both worlds here.

I can tell you that the Pure Note Epsilon ic's are very good and the Audience Au24 sc's have had spectacular in my system.

The Au24 sc's have presented the biggest sonic improvement by far over any other ic or sc I've had or demo'ed in my system.

..i had all valhalla cables in my system about a year or so ago,tenor 75 wi amps..piega p-10 speakers,at that time..and thought the sound couldn't get much better..that was until i treid HMS cables..the i/cs first and,much to my surprise,found these cables as good and later,after they broke in,better then the valhallas'.i have since changed a goldmund 29m,and have the full HMS cable contingent..i/cs and speaker cables and think they are,imo,darned near impossible to beat at their price or multiples of it.they are perfectly musically coherent at any volume level and are the most musical and tonally perfect cables i have heard in my not purchase another brand before auditioning them...they have a 30 day,money back guarantee from the distributor.i have had many dealings with him and could not be more pleased with his professionalism.i have introduced these cables to at least 5 audio friends who bought them immediately after auditioning them.try'll like them