AA Capitole users: how many run balanced xlr ?

Details on the AA Capitole design are hard to find. Is it a fully balanced design? Thanks!
We met the Audio Aero analog designer at CES 2003 (amazing guy, really passionate about the best sound) and he highly recommended using the balanced outputs on the Capitole cdp. We have not tried this yet (3M balanced Valhalla == $$) but Mr. Van Domme was really emphatic on this point. We did not ask him specifically if the design is fully balanced but our conversation implied that it is and that the Capitole amplifier is fully balanced as well.

We use an Anaconda pc on ours, too, and I certainly recommend that you audition one on your player if you get a chance.

-neli (Audio Aero dealer) (Shunyata dealer)
I use XLR balanced interconnects from my cap. II direct to the amp, with NO problems, in fact it sounds very good. I also use an anaconda VX on my cap II- amazing how many use the same set up!
Thanks guys! I think I will be running slightly longer length IC's so balanced is preferrable no matter. Actually surprised how good the cheap (and temporary) Kimber PBJ actually sounds in my setup.