Recommendations Needed: Upgrading from ARC CD-1

I am looking for recommendations for CDP upgrade. I am about 1 year in to this hobby and have assembled the following system over the past 9 months:
- Power = ARC VT-60
- Pre = Rogue Audio 99
- Digital = ARC CD-1
- Interconnects = Kimber Hero
- Speaker cables = Audioquest Granite
- Speakers = Vandersteen 2ce Signature

I enjoy what I have but feel that the ARC CD-1 is too laid back (especially in the highs) and not revealing of all the music on many discs.

Any recommendations for upgrade <= $3K? I am willing to consider single box CD, single box CD/SACD, and separate DAC.

I would recommend that before you start changing major components, you should try some high quality silver interconnects. They have a tendency to be more revealing at the high end than copper. Some cables I would recommend are the Kimber Select 1030 (expensive), Silver Audio Silver Bullet 4.0, or the Harmonic Technology Pro-Silway Mk II (combination silver/copper). Many people on Audiogon have also recommended Acoustic Zen silver cables, but I have never tried them. Although I use silver interconnects, I have copper speaker cables from Kimber, and the combination works very well.

Audio Research makes great amplifiers, and I'm not so sure that changing your VT-60 to the VT-100 will get you the added detail you are looking for. A speaker change might give you better performance. I have heard the Vandersteens extensively, and while they are very good, I much prefer the PSB Stratus Gold i's, which can be found used for less than $1500 here on Audiogon. My point is that I think you can get the results you are looking for by spending less and without having to blow your remaining budget on a cd player change.
I think the 3 previous posters nailed it. The CD-1 is a very good machine. I have an all Audio Research system, including a CD1 LS25MKII and VT100. I too, was ready to upgrade from the CD1, but decided to try a couple of tweaks first. 2 of the biggest improvements I noticed with the CD1 involved using ARC's litzlink interconnects, and the use of brass cone supports and weights from For around $300 the improvements were astonishing.
Kinsekd is right many things can be done to twek a cd1 not to mention a power cord. But I have to say again the difference between a vt60 and a vt100 is huge. Not just watts but quality. We all have our favorite i/c's and cables and they certainly can make a difference. I think you are really selling your system short with those speaker cables. But back to the point. If you like your speakers and you like the Audio Research sound a vt100 will make a bigger change than anything else in your system assuming that the Rouge is a good preamp and has synergy with the rest of the system.
Spent quite a bit of time trying umpteen different amps, preamps, tubes, cables, etc. trying to get some pizzazz out of Vandersteens. Coudn't do it. Speaker is way to laid back and polite for my taste. If you can try another pair of speakers in your room, I'd do that first. Vandys work best in small rooms. Don
Elgordo is right on, your original description of your system's sound is an exact description of the Vandersteens, with a very small amount of influence from your amp and cdp. While an amp upgrade would make a definite improvement, it still will leave you with the Vandy sound, which is a nice sound on initial listening but ultimately annoying because you can't escape the inherent character of the speakers no matter what you do. They simply aren't neutral and you will drive yourself crazy if you try to fix this through component swapping. $3k will buy some really good speakers on the used market; try Merlin, Meadowlark, or Dunlavy. Good luck!