Taking the analog plunge...

OK guys, I could use your suggestions here.

I have several upgrades in mind and/or in progress for my 2 channel system. While I was considering these changes, I decided to look into adding a turntable as well. It's been a number of years since I've had a decent TT (decades, really) and the sheer number of choices can be pretty daunting.

What would help is a short list of gear that you think I should investigate that is A) a relatively good match for current gear and B) is priced somewhere below 4k. There are plenty of reviews at my disposal, but I'd much rather hear from people who are actually living with this stuff for extended periods and are more likely to have used it with gear similar to mine

My current system consists of all BAT components (D5, 5i and VK 200) and Triangle Celius speakers. The upgrades are/will be a BAT VK 60 and either Hyperion HPS 938s or GMA Continuum 3s.

Your suggestions?
I've considered the P5 as well. I'm not sure I want to dedicate that much space to a phono stage. Dang, that thing is huge!

Imagine running all four of these babies full out in a closed space; I'd have to rebuild my listening room inside a meat locker.

Inscrutable, I'm not necessarily locked in to any one thing other than the best sound I can achieve under my budgetary constraints. I have no objection to solid state devices. In fact, I still have the VK200, several Bryston pieces and even an old Adcom GFA 585 laying around here somewhere.

Thanks again to all for the sage advice. It is helping to narrow down my choices a bit.

On another note, I think I've found the perfect tonearm for my new analog setup.
That Altmann arm actually does have all of the requirements for a basic unipivot tonearm, as crude as it looks.

From there on up, it is just refinement.

It will play the record.

Of course, there is a world of difference between that Altmann, and a Graham 2.2, but the Altmann works and is cheap. If you are interested in tonearm design, it could be a fun project to make.

Another fun project, with an air-bearing design, is the Paul Loudegaard linear tracking air bearing tonearm design, that many tonearm "fiddlers" have tried. It also works and has some excellent design attributes. You can search it out on the web very easily with Google.

I'm really glad to see he did something about that tie-wrap cartridge mount. I can image that cartridge twisting while it plays. It is a rather inventive setup.


You're right on about the heat generation. We have had temps down in the teens on several nights here in New England and I have not once had to turn the heat on in my listening room. It stays a balmy 72 but is really dry. I sometimes have to crack a window or door to the outside after a few hours of constant listening just to let in some cooler air.
Dear Loonytunz: For your anolog rig: TT: Acoustic Signature Final Tool, PC: Sumiko Celebration and T: Moerch DP 6.

Inscrutable it's right: a tube phono stage not only limit to MM its really limit the use of any kind of cartridge: if you really take care about the quality of music reproduction stay away from tube phono stages ( ANY ).
Dan ed speak to take a step-up transformer with the tube phono stage, this will be a double mistake: 1- tube phono stage and 2- SUT it will be an additional link in the signal. BTW, the best step-up transformer is : NO STEP-UP TRANSFORMER.

Regards and always enjoy the music.
Well, if you have to stay away from tubes you might as well toss your whole system and buy SS gear. But since I'm guessing that ain't gonna happen, I'd give the EAR the nod. I used one early on, and had great luck with it. The Wright is also highly recommended.

As far as TT's go, read some of the Teres threads. You can get up the ladder including an arm & cartridge for the 3 grand+ you'll have left over after the 834P or Wright. $2500 for an unfinished 245, $570 for a OL250, and $250 for a Denon103r. That's all new pricing. You can probably do a lot better on the arm. A 150 or 160 saves a lot more.

I've got it (a diy modified 245) and I love it. It smokes any LP12 or lower end Nott I've ever heard. Don't know about the GyroSE, but IMHO that thing is not as good looking as a Teres. And I'm not a fan of any kind of suspension under my TT. But at least both are upgradeable. If you find the aesthetics pleasing, I think you'll be better off with the Teres.

I'd try the Altmann, but only with the tie-wrap!

And stepups work very well, and are dead quiet if you have to go that way. I've tried both the K&K and the Microgroove with good results. And the K&K to your list for $250.

The other thing you may want to check on is adding a phono board to your 5i. Not sure if you can, but it would be worth a call or email to find out. I know they offer all kinds of upgrades.

Just thought I'd add one more opinion to a list that should be very diverse. At least I've tried to stay close to your budget. $6500 for the last suggestion with NO phono stage probably isn't going to help you a lot. Good hunting, it should be fun!
