Stan Warren email?

hello does Stan Warren have a email address or a web site? I only found a Telephone number.
Last I talked to him he was not interested at all in having anything more than a phone number. When I recieved my Stan Warren modified DVD player the only way I could [sort of] prove it was to have you see the return address on the box. No sticker. No info sheet on the mods. Nothing. But, get him on the phone and please have a recorder handy. You will get more information than you can possibly digest. Charlie
I agree with Danvetc. Stan has always answered the phone
when I've called regarding my Sony DVP S9000 ES SACD
player he's tweaking for me. He's a great guy and has a
vast amount of knowlege he'll be more than willing to share
with you. Whether it's the local politics in Eugene, OR,
or how to modify your component, Stan will be happy to
converse all night long!
I agree with the above posts. Stan Warren doesn't do email-- I asked him. He said it would take too much time from his electronics mod. business, which is pretty much a one man operation, and he gets enough business via 'phone or snail mail. He can be hard to catch by 'phone sometimes, but when you do reach him, he is very pleasant to talk with. Cheers. Craig
Stan only does eMail when he wants information. He won't respond to you even if you could find his address (not likely). He will talk to you on the phone as long as you want; sometimes more than an hour if he feels like talking. Take notes! Stan is a real nice guy; very helpful and informative.