DL103 vs. DL103R

Yes, yes , yes... I KNOW this topic has been sort of DONE TO DEATH. However - there's one thing I kind of need to know. I was going to jump on one as a preliminary pickup for my new analog rig (SOTA Star, no tonearm yet) - I'd kind of decided already against it becuase the 103R supposedly had a really hot top end. My Linn Saras are just about at the threshold of comfort on the top end for me anyway - and I didn't want to put them over the edge. From what I UNDERSTAND, the 103R is much hotter (peaky) in the treble regions than the regular 103. But then I'd read a vague mention of the OPPOSITE as well. Can anybody relate the character of these to eachother in this regard? Or in absolute terms? Thanks so much even though there's so much out there on the subject already.

TWI (Tom) is the authority on Denon carts.
I was going to get 103R but ended up with a 103S (silver) instead.
There was never a hint of brightness.
I've read the 103 is somewhat inferior to the R or S.
I've never read of any Denon cart.being 'hot'fwiw.
I also own the 103R, and find the top end very smooth, not overly bright at all.

Same experience here with Jphii and Armstrod! Loaded properly, I do not experienced any brightness.