DL103 vs. DL103R

Yes, yes , yes... I KNOW this topic has been sort of DONE TO DEATH. However - there's one thing I kind of need to know. I was going to jump on one as a preliminary pickup for my new analog rig (SOTA Star, no tonearm yet) - I'd kind of decided already against it becuase the 103R supposedly had a really hot top end. My Linn Saras are just about at the threshold of comfort on the top end for me anyway - and I didn't want to put them over the edge. From what I UNDERSTAND, the 103R is much hotter (peaky) in the treble regions than the regular 103. But then I'd read a vague mention of the OPPOSITE as well. Can anybody relate the character of these to eachother in this regard? Or in absolute terms? Thanks so much even though there's so much out there on the subject already.

I had speakers with peaky treble, and ultimately I had to get new speakers. It was just to tough trying to find synergy with speakers whose treble response rests of a knife edge of being tolerable. I would get a grado cart in your case.
Letranger, I really don't think so. The loading of the DL103R can affect the top end, and you can adjust the loading at your phono stage to get the top end you want. Just load it at 80 ohms instead of 100 ohms, and you are going to drop that rise on the top end.

Also, the small rise at the top end(which I don't think is as much of an issue as you seem to) is not the only difference between the DL103R and the DL103. The DL103 does not track as well, is not nearly as smooth on the high end, and generally is not as good as the DL103R.

If you are worried about this cartridge being hot on the top end, God help you if you ever try a European cartridge!
My experience of the 103R mirrors Twl, it may exhibit some upward tilt in the upper registers, but this will largely go ahead once the cartridge is run-in and with proper setup - VTA slight tail down. Actually I attribute the highs to treble extension.

It is a terrific bargain anyway you look at it. What you get with the 103R is not just the extension, you also get a highly musical cartridge at what can be best described as a steal. The extension at the top is coupled/matched with a slightly rounded mid-bass, but one which is highly listenable. A friend once remarked it was a poor man's Koetsu. I think that says a lot.