Lyra Dorian - Opinion?

What's your experience with the new Dorian cartridge? I haven't seen any discussion here.

I am thinking about upgrading from my old BPS. My table is a VPI Scout paired with a Black Cube with PWX power supply.
Anyone know where you can get a Lyra the same way you can with the Dynavector out of Hong Kong or anywhere? I have had exactly the same question about the Dorian as an entry place, and based on the Helicon and good review I may just go for it. Any thoughts?
I played a Dorian at RMAF04 show. Tracking was awesome and sound was very detailed and clean. It wasn't loaded quite properly, but it didn't seem to mind. Noise floor was WAY down.

Of course, it was on a $5000 arm and $7000 table...

Yeah, I like how even and reserved they are. They always seem like they have a little more to give back there somewhere.
I switched/upgraded from a Clearaudio Virtuoso to the Lyra Dorian about 2 weeks ago. I also upgraded my ARC PH2 to the new ARC PH5 at the same time. I don't like changing more than one component at a time in my system but ended up doing so anyway. My turntable is a Nottingham Spacedeck with a Mystic Mat and I am using a 10 inch thick Boos hard maple butcher block in place of the Nottingham Plinth.

To summarize in the beginning, I am pretty much blown away by the Dorian and ARC PH5. How much of the improvement is attributed to the Dorian and how much is the PH5 is a bit harder to determine. Air, detail, rhythm and pacing have all improved considerably. I was quite happy with my turntable before, but musicality is even better now. There appears to be good synergy between the Nottingham and Lyra Dorian. There is a British Audio dealer on the Web who talks about Lyra / Nottingham synergy on his web site. My bass is tighter and the noise floor of the Dorian is way lower than the Virtuoso. The previous poster is definitely correct on this point. The Virtuoso had me obsessing on cleaning records, those same records sound pristine now with the Dorian. The Dorian has a very clean sound.

In my system, the Dorian was a total winner. My only question now is whether or not I will eventually upgrade to the Helikon. Whatever happens, I feel like I will be sticking with Lyra cartridges from now on, I like the house sound I guess.

Good luck with your search for a cartridge for your VPI.