Respectfully seek some arm+cartridge advice

First off, thanks to all the wonderful advice flowing thru this forum.I have finally upgraded from my Phase Linear/GAS amp system and joined the audiophiles of the millenium - including back into vinyl.

I purchased a vintage GyroDec with an SME 3010-R and also an upgraded Scout with the JMW-9. Both will need cartridges. I've read what I can (my wife thinks I'm ignoring her) on cartridge selection but don't have a strong sense of what works - which I suspect means most all combos "work", the question is "how well".

So as a neophyte, how do I select a cartridge I will love? I now know MC has a lower voltage output but I think I'm ok there. I know to select a cartridge compatable with the arm's weight - but how?

I figure the simplest thing is to(unnecessarily) spend a lot of money or just ask what everyone's using - which I welcome if they're on similar equipment.

I don't want to spend thousands and I am frugal - so "used" is fine. I need 2 different cartridges and I'd like to keep it under $1,000 yet be happy.

My equipment is decent including a Lexi MC-12 pre, Theta/Dreadnaught amp plus a couple of tube amps and a Mcintosh amp. I purchased a Musical Fidelity phono pre-. Speakers will be Hyperions for HT and I have B&Ws and Definitive Tech's. I have rarely "loved" digital music and I tend to Pink Floyd, Alan Parsons and Rock 'n Roll of the 70s but also classical and jazz.

What I'd love is a primer on what to do if one exists. Failing that, any recommendations welcome - I don't mind trying a number of options and reselling what's not right.

Cheers all,
And... SORRY ...No more killer deals from down under on ZYX...Thanks to your exclusive distributor...not allowed to sell to Audiogon members...Free Trade in the US of A ???
But thats another subject...
Enjoy the music
Dear Doug: " I think the Denons are excellent performers for their price...".

Well the Shelther 90X is an exellent performer for it price, too. That statement means really nothing about the quality music sound reproduction.

Many people in this forum think that the 103/103R are the bargain of the century, but I never read why and against who.

You can find ( second hand ) a Sumiko Celebration for 800-900 dls or a Denon DS-1 for 600-700 dls. Try any one of these cartridges against any Shelther or ZYX and you can " see " why those cartridges are truly a " century bargain ".

Don't argue nothing till you try it ( you don't have nothing to loose, right? ) , BTW anyone.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Doug: You can't loose anyway. If you don't like those cartridges: I buy it. Hands down any Shelther or ZYX cartridges.
Regards and enjoy the music.
Send Raul your paypal email address so he can send you some money to buy the cartridges he recommends.
Kevin do not let Raul's exuberance confuse you with the idea that he knows what he is talking about. He routinely dispenses wrong information on Audiogon.
Dear Cello: " dispenses wrong information ...".

If this is your opinion ( that I respect ), please explain to this forum specifically all those " wrong information " and why it is a " wrong information ".

Regards and enjoy the music.