Best digital cable below $500

I currently use a harmonic tech platium digital interconnect and am wondering if a better interconnect would make a difference. My system consists of a Theta basic II transport feeding a camelot uther IV going directly into a pass labs alpeh 5 amp to AP Virgo II speakers. Anolog interconnects are Tara labs air 1 and speaker cable is tara labs air2. Thanks in advance for your input.
Sean, who makes cables with end terminations? Also, what kind of terminations are they - series or parallel?
I'm not directly aware of any manufacturer that currently offers such designs or cabling. Then again, i've not been shopping for digital cables in a while : ) Sean
Ridge Street Audio Midnight Silver Edition is the short (!) answer here. To expand on this let me say that I have had digital links that cost up to 2000.00 and I prefer the is a much more neutral sounding cable. It has the ability to deliver a clean distortion free signal no matter how simple or complex the music happens to be. Whether it is very low level info or "keeping it together" during LOUD busy crescendos, the RSA delivers the signal like it is no big task. Everything between the extremes is also represented equally making it sound "smooth". In this context, smooth does not mean "rolled off" but it means that the power response to all frequencies are equal in strength. This translates to a very cohesive sound. You have some great digital gear whose qualities include very good resolving capabilities. With an RSA cable between them you would find that the music would flow with more of an analog feel to it. For reference my digital is CEC TL-1X into an AudioLogic MXL DAC. Previous digital cables I can remember include: Audit Tactic, Marigo, Tara Decade, LAT, Ilumminatti, Orchid, Nordost MoonGlow, Kharma, I2 Digital, Audience.
What about the new stereovox cable, by the guy that designed the illuminati? It's supposed to be an excellent cable by any standard and sells for under $100. Has anyone tried it?
I use all Goldmund Lineal digital cables in my system, which is a true 75 ohm cable. Have not heard anything sound as true in my system.