Need good speaker cable for modest system.

Have new Cambridge Azur 540 system and Mission 701 speakers. Am looking at reasonably priced speaker cables. Audioquest Type 4 & Kimber Cable 4PR. Any idea which would sound best and bring the most detail and control out of my system? Any other cable suggestions?
Take a look at the Anti-Cable offered at Zero Impedance. You may have to email Paul for information. I haven't heard these, but Paul has been getting some good testimonials.
Ditto the Discovery 1-2-3. For the money it is very difficult to better if you want a true to the music cable.
Get in touch with
His are the best value I've come across. Excellent sound. Open, detailed, good soundstage all with a money back guarantee.
I agree about Gregg Straley's cables (which are cryo'd, by the way). They definitely are better than the AZ Matrix Reference that I have in my system. A much more open soundstage, better detail. And for the price, well, they're a steal!