Optimizing Digital Volume Control


First I would like to state that I am relatively new to audiophilia (sounds like a disease), however I have a relatively good engineering background.

Presently I am using a traditional CD->DAC->pre->power->speakers setup. I am using a Hegel HD20 DAC that has a digital volume control feature. I recently noticed that without the pre (ARC LS2) in the chain, using the DAC for volume control, I get better results.

Since the DAC is 24b, having a -140db noise floor (close to 144db theoretical limit) this makes sense to me. Since a CD, having 16bit resolution, supports a theoretical maximum of 96db (practical implementation are below 90db). So s properly designed digital attenuation of over 50db (probably in this case over 60db) should not degrade the sound.

Now to my question, assuming a computer as the source, followed by a 24b DAC that doesn't support volume control, one can in theory achieve the same results if the computer converts the 16b original data to 24b and then apply digital volume control. In this case the computer should output a 24b signal to the DAC.

Does anyone know if this is something that a JRiver or Foobar solution is capable of doing? or in general, does anyone know how volume control would work using JRiver or Foobar?

Thank you in advance for your attention.
Thank you. Just found the write up on this topic. Seems like they know what they are doing :-)

BTW, this leads me to believe that a preamp is practically no longer required. The best reference preamps at best can match a good 2K DAC. So most likely having a preamp in the chain simply degrades the result (unless of course you view the preamp as a filter that colors the sound to ones liking)
For someone who relatively new to the field you sound quite dogmatic. The subject of with/without preamp in digital systems is hotly debated. You should keep an open mind.
The fact is that no preamp will most of the time be better than using an active preamp. A transformer-based linestage (TVC) is one option. A DAC with really good volume technology (not like an active preamp) is another option. Both of these require that the DAC have a strong output buffer. Op-amps need not apply.

The best overall solution IME is to use a combination of volume control with a TVC or; DAC (with exceptional volume control technology) or discrete gain settings and a limited amount of digital volume control The ideal thing is to use up to -10dB of digital volume decrease and no more than that. This way the digital part can be the remote controlled part and the fixed volume can be manual.

So, there are these requirements:
1) sufficient drive from the DAC
2) Passive TVC or
3) DAC with discrete gain control or
4) DAC with reference voltage volume control

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
I was firmly into the no preamp camp (used the volume control of my msb dac) until I tried the arc ref5se. No comparison - preamp is back. Not cheap - extra set of interconnects, power cord - the works. Bottom line: forget theory and dogma and trust your ears. In my experience, only very high grade preamps will beat no preamp. But they do.
My DAC has a digital volume control and I've tried running it straight to my amp. It is very clean and musical, but lacks dynamics. When I put a pre amp back into the line, it was still clean and musical, but I got the dynamics back.