TG cables natural sounding or not?

I was able to listened to TG audios cable, interconnect
HSR High purity unshielded rca $800, HSR speaker cables
$990.00.My friend And I thought that the cable do sound
very good,He did like them, but they are not within
his budget.There is one that He noticed, He told me there
is too much ambience,which according to Him its kind
a unnatural,I asked the dealer, He told me that, thats
huge soundstage characterstics of the cable,by the way
this dealer is well respected,and very nice.I need an input
here at Agon who have them, and heard them, including
the cheaper models.Honestly, I did not expect anything
on this cables,but they surprise me.
Rcrump,maybe my friend is wrong, One of the reason
I am asking is to ask expert here like you,and
Agoners who have heard them,is to comfirm what I ve heard ,But no intention to offend anybody,especially TG cableowners and you.I need more information.Because I myself Iam happy that thereare more cable choices.Thats all.
Jayctoy, I learned about twenty years ago that you are never going to please everyone so I don't try! I build the wires to please myself and if others like them that is cool, but it isn't necessary as long as I am happy with them.....No offense taken whatsoever.....
I would like to try the TG audio stuff. Anybody recommend a good dealer??


Hi Jacytoy,

I agree with Monk...the TG Audio cables do excel in passing through details from the recording. It can be actual hall sound, the sound of the studio, or artificial digital reverb. Whatever it may be...they pass it along...they don't create it. If part of the spectrum seems too present, it is likely the fault of the components, speakers, speaker placement, or the recording.

I have tried some interconnects in the past that seemed more detailed at first, but before long I realized it was just due to an unnatural boost in the top end (plenty of annoying sibilance).

I love the TG audio speaker wire. Bob's cables are silver, so they do have the characteristics of silver cables...minus the brightness, harshness, etc. that people often dislike about silver. I am using mine with Merlin VSM-M speakers (with Dynaudio esotar tweeters). If they were overly bright, I'd definitely know it. I actually found them to be the smoothest wire I tried. Copper cables do tend to have a beefier, warmer low end and midrange when you compare them to silver (although they can also have a grainier, less defined top end). Th TG audio cables are faster, clearer, more detailed, more musical, and strike me as more balanced and neutral. In my system, I have preferred Bob's cables to the various Cardas cables I've tried (including the Golden Cross), the very good, bargain-priced Luminous Renaissance, and the great Audience AU24. Yes, I did love the sound of lower instruments, like drums, on the copper Audience cables (and I liked most everything else about them too), but I found myself preferring the overall musicality, clarity, pacing, balance, and increased resolution of the TG Audio wire. They have done the best job of making me forget the equipment and focus on the music and performances. With the TG Audio wire I get more of a feeling of being "there" ("there" being a concert hall, jazz club, pro recording studio, or some guy's basement project studio). Like all things audio, that is all based on my preference of what I think things should sound like. It may not agree with yours.

I did try the high purity interconnects for a day or so, but they and my speaker cable were backwards at the time, so I can't comment. I need to try them again now that I know what "load" means. :-) I am currently using Luminous Synchestra Reference copper interconnects and loving the combination with the TG speaker wire.