Help me find this sound

I'm looking for a DAC that can smooth out the sound of all my cd's, make them sound more MoFi's cd's. With that smooth, warm, non-fatiguing yet still detailed sound.
Something in the under $2k range.

Currently, I'm using an MSB Link 2, un-modded. This, I think, is the weak link (no pun). I was thinking of a Kora Hermes, but that's just a thought right now.

System is:

Sony 333es mega changer (mega changer, yes, and no, not on the table for replacement, we listen to too much music! If anything, we're getting one more.)

Monarch DIP (have another, but took it out as the ES changer sounds better with one DIP in line)

Adcom GFP 750 pre
Spectron Musician 2 amp
Von S. VR-4's

Dig cable is AZ Silver Photon
IC's are AP copper
Speaker cables are Oval 9's

getting dedicated lines in a week or two (when I get off my butt and get the wires).

I would appreciate any advice/comments/suggestions.

thank you

KP, sounds to me like you're on the right track. I own the Bel Canto DAC 1.1 and love it, but from your query I think the EVS Millenium DAC II or Kora Hermes may be the better route for you. The Bel Canto DAC 1.1 is more dynamic, but less warm than the original DAC 1. Check the Agon Classifieds, I thought I saw a couple Hermes and one EVS II listed. Good luck!
No offense, but I think the weak link is your transport. Use your mega changer an a cd holder and buy a decent single disc player. I actually have a sony changer that is not connected to my system, but serves as a compact way to store and organize my cds.
No offense taken, Mtsars!
But we must have the mega changers. We listen to music for hours on end, and jump all over the place.
I've dampened the **** out of it, and that helped improve the sound quite a bit (a lot more than I expected).

A single player may sound better, but we'd end up listening to a lot less music, so that is not an option. We want music, and tons of it!

I have a Conrad Johnson dv2-b player that I really like. Nothing at all fatiguing about it. Very musical, very under rated. They also made DACs that can be had for a very good price. Check their web site in the classic products section.