The Chord Co.

I've not seen anything posted here regarding ICs and S/C from The Chord Co. (UK firm). I do know a few people, mostly Linn afficionados, who use these cables, but I can find no reviews, comparisons, views, etc. Anyone out there with any experience with these cables?
I purchased a Chord DIN to RCA so that I could use a non-Naim preamp with one of their power amps. It was a great interconnect for that use as the sound stayed very similar. I was inserting an older Linn LK1 preamp since it had a mm/mc phono stage whereas the Naim 42.5 that I had only had the mm card. This also prohibited me from using the Hicap power supply which in itelf is a substantial upgrade over the Snaps or the amplifier power supply. So, either the LK1 was as good the 42.5/Hicap or the interconnect was superior.

These interconnects aren't much money and may be worth a try but after clicking on your system I find it doubtful that you would experience an improvement. In my limited experience with them I felt that they were on a par with the Naim pieces.
Thanks, Lugnut, for your views. They do seem to be relatively inexpensive, so I might give them a try. I'm curious as to why you think they might not be a match for my system. I'm trying to rid this rig of a slight darkness, which I attribute in part to too much copper. A copper/silver IC and/or speaker cable might help? No? All the best.
I hope you understand what I was trying to say about the interconnect or the preamp as being better. It's a tough call on my part. For sure, the Naim kit as well as my Linn gear is not dark sounding. I recently have been using a Ridge Street Audio Midnight Silver interconnect and boy, oh boy is it nice. Lots of detail, not harsh (with solid state) at all. They're kind of spendy but well worth it. I'd be glad to send you a recipe for a DIY IC that I really like. I'm going to be building some of the John Risch design silvers for myself. You may wish to go to his site and see all the cool DIY stuff he has recipes for. The web address is: