what preamp to use

I am just entering into the vinyl world. I have done minimal research on what kind of turn table to buy. My brother in law has a VPI Scoutmaster and I was totally shocked the way it sounded....I don't want to kick out the big bucks that he spent.. He recommended the Music Hall mmf-5, which I have already ordered...I have a Harmon Kardon avr 235 with Polk speakers that sound really good..What type of pre-amp should I get for around the $100.00 range..If someone could help me it would be greatly appreciated...Thnks,

Limited to $100 look for a used Creek OBH-8. They show up here and eBay regularly.

Now for $30-$40 you could go to Radio Shack and get the battery powered one they sell. Don't laugh; it is actually pretty good. Battery power gives it very low noise. Google the term LITTLE RAT PHONO PREAMP and you'll see it is popular with some budget mined audiophiles.
Hey Scott, try the radio shack one, if you don't like the way it sounds, your only out 30 bucks. But if you want to spend the extra, that Creek preamp mentioned above would sound really good with the music hall table, and you should be able to get one easily for around $100, i think you'd like it alot better.
As I recall, some were reporting great results using TWO battery powered Rat Shack phono pre's- one for each channel. Maybe start with one and add the second later if budget is tight.
