Tonearm for Teres turntable - approx $1000 - ??

I have way to much time to research for components for my new analog setup, and keep on thinking about new ways of spending my budget (which keeps increasing in size. :-( )

I have at least decided on the turntable - basically a Teres 160 - and the cartridge - Zyx R-100H.

I had decided on an Origin Live Silver tonearm,(with Twl's HiFi mod, of course,) too, but now I'm wavering about that decision. I can not afford to spend thousands of dollars on the tonearm, but can probably stretch my budget to about $1000. Used is fine... Are the Hadcock tonearms (which seem to be about the same price as the OL Silver) any good? Better than or equal to the OL Silver? Is there something better I should look for, or should I just stick with the OL Silver?
Dear Oakiris: The DP 6 is one of the best unipivots tonearms ever made.
You need the one with the blue dot arm wand. You will be very satisfied with this tonearm: hard to beat in your audio system. You don't have to worried about this tonearm ever and if in the future you change your cartridge then you can change too the arm wand for try to mate that new cartridge. This tonearm has a high flexibility for using with any cartridge it does not matters which weight/compliance have those cartridges.

Rgards and enjoy the music.
Raul - Another vote for the Morch DP-6! I'm still trying to find somewhere to purchase this tonearm on line, but... I guess I need to call Music Direct and see what the deal is (as in, why they can't sell it on line, etc.)

Also, does anyone know if you have to pay extra for the wand you get with the Morch, or is one wand of your choice included in the purchase price? This is probably another question for Music Direct.
Dear Oakiris: ( one arm wand is included in the price ).

Regards and enjoy the music.
Thanks for the link, Raul. I have looked at Audio Advancements before. They appear to be another site that doesn't sell on line - and they don't even list prices! Oh well, I have emailed them to get more information, and I will probably call Music Direct, too. Wish someone was selling a used one here on Audiogon, but.... :-)
The Belcanto is simply a renamed Scheu Classic Unipivot; it is available in either 9" or 12" length and can be wired up to your liking by Chris Feickert of Scheu. The price for the 12" version is around 700. I am ordering a new Scheu Premier II dual arm (9", 12") table with Classic 12" arm with the optional 80mm platter and a record clamp. The price for the whole rig inc shipping from Germany to Oakland, CA is 2495. Closest Teres with a comparable arm is many hundreds of dollars more.

The Belcanto/Scheu is a bit rough looking as TWL has mentioned to me. But, at the price I am taking a chance as it has received several excellent reviews. The other tonearms by Scheu (Cantus, Taco) are a bit pricey for what they are and I would look elsewhere at that price level.

The Morch is a good arm but has a lot of wiring breaks to accomodate the removeable wands and the detachable wire (DIN connection). I think it can be set up with a seamless wiring run if you order it that way. I would suggest you look at the UP4 if you have a non sprung table as it is significantly less money than the DP6 and many think the unipivot design performs better in any event. The DP6 is not a unipivot design.

An Origin Live silver with Audio Note silver wire in a seamless run might be the best bet for you. It is a good fit with a lot of cartridges and is not terribly difficult to install and calibrate. It also does not twist in your fingers as many unipivots do, which is quite disconcerting, when lowering the stylus to the record. First time I came across an unipivot was an Audiocraft AC arm; very weird. Performed quite well, though, on the Micro Seiki BL111

I would urge you to contact Chris Feickert at Scheu in Germany on the topic of arms and suitability. Chris sells Morch as well as the Scheu/Belcanto arms. He can also procure other arms such as the wonderful Schroder line