After market PC's to Power Conditioners

Wondering if any one else notices this, or is it unique to my Power conditioner, which is a Tice PowerBlock III C.
After market Power cords I have used sound better plugged into the wall rather than the PowerBlock. And thats not a knock on the PowerBlock , becuase most stock or upgraded but non filtered cords , into the Tice ,are comparable to after market PC's plugged straight into the Outlet. Just wondering as a rule of thumb, should an after market PC be plugged into the outlet rather than a Power Conditioner because perhaps the filters Clash ? Also as a side note whats a great after market PC for a Classe 401 and a Vel HGS 12 .........either going into the Tice or into a dedicated outlet. Regards, The Transporter.
I think what changes and/or improvements you notice depend on the quality or lack of quality of power running through your wall.

I seem to always have better luck plugging my power amp directly to the wall using an aftermarket power cord, no matter the amp or conditioner I'm using at the time. The feeling of many people is that power conditioners can inhibit the current delivering capacity of demanding power amps, and therefore often sound constricted.

Depending on the design of the power cord you're using and the Tice PowerBlock, there may be redundant filtering taking place which is having a negative effect on your dynamics.

My usual approach is to connect my transport, DAC and preamp to the power conditioner and any power amps - stereo or for subwoofers - directly to the wall. I have aftermarket cords on all my components.

See if this helps and good luck!
Yes That helps and we are on the same page. Note The Tice Powerblock IIIC is somewhat unique as it is really Two Power Conditioners in one, with one 20amp cord for Power and One 15 amp cord for Digital. The Power section can handle an impressive 1800 Watts. However the point of my thread is taking a filtered power cord from one manufacturer, and plugging it in to another manufacturers power conditioner which has its own brand of filtering, often might result in a degradation of performance.
I had a similar concern late last year when I first got my Blue Circle MR1200 Music Ring.

I'd been using Virtual Dynamics Audition Power Cords for a couple years and they helped create an open, holographic sound.

I ordered the Music Ring with a Blue Circle BC62 Power Cord to connect it to the wall, with all components hooked to the MR1200 via the VD cords.

I was apprehensive that the BC62 might not be as open as the VD cables or that the Music Ring might reduce dynamics or that the VD cables might conflict in some way with the Music Ring.

It turns out that the whole mix works quite well. Soundstaging has opened up in width and depth. My perception is that I can see further into the presentation without any loss of warmth or musicality. The only negative I've noticed is that large scale attacks seem slightly less dynamic with the power amp plugged into the Music Ring.

I plan to conduct an A/B test as to whether it makes a difference if the amp sounds freer hooked directly to the wall or suffers no loss of oomph plugged into the Music Ring. We'll see.

I don't know enough about power conditioning or each manufacturer's approach to filtering to know which cords and conditioners might work well together. I just experiment.

Have fun!