For Lugnut & Barb (Patrick & Barbara Malone)

To everything, turn, turn, turn
There is a season, turn, turn, turn
And a time for every purpose under heaven.

* * *

A time to build up, a time to break down
A time to dance, a time to mourn
A time to gain, a time to lose
A time of peace, I swear it’s not too late.

(Apologies to the Byrds).

For many years now, Pat Malone has been a good friend to one and all. He has supported both the newbie and the experienced audiophile alike with his knowledge, his honesty, his camaraderie, his warmth and his wit. We have all immensely benefitted from his participation. Whether caring support or a slight barb was needed, it was delivered ... gracefully and intuitively. If we did not know his name, we might call him “Mr. Integrity,” and if not that, then perhaps just “Sir” out of our respect.

For many years now, it has been our time to benefit from Pat. It has been our turn. And now it is a different time. Now it is Pat’s turn ... and Barbara’s turn. It is time that we show Pat some of the support he has so often and generously shown us, and time that we show Barbara how much we appreciate her sharing her beloved Pat with us. And we are glad – no, we are extremely moved – that so many of us recognize what time it is.

What does one do to show a cherished friend how much he means to us? There is no one perfect answer. But it seemed to many of us that one good answer was hopefully to enable Pat to enjoy the music maybe a little bit more than before. So the pieces of a new system, and some other goodies, are now arriving on Pat’s doorstep (excepting that we could never replace Pat’s cherished Linn turntable), which we hope he will enjoy:

Supratek Syrah preamp
Blue Circle BC22 amp
Snell K7 monitors w/ stands
Ridge Street Audio Poiema! interconnects and speaker cables
Shelter 901 cartridge
Proton Tuner
Snell THX subwoofer
Hsu sub amp
Audiopoints for all components


various LPs
$250 Acoustic Sounds gift certificate
$250 Music Direct gift certificate
more than $1200 in cash

We hope this may bring some added pleasure to Pat's and Barb's days, and we offer our most sincere thanks and deep gratitude to the following people who made this possible:

Steve Dobbins (Vetterone)
Dean Yamasaki (Gunbei)
Robert Schult of Ridge Street Audio
Bob Graffy of Snell Acoustics
Larry Howkins (Cello)
Peter Bongers (peterb)
Skip Pease (Shventus)
Tom Lyons of Star Sound/Audiopoints (Twl)
Scott Campbell (SpiritMan1113)
Cole McKinney (Slate1)
Joe Galbraith (Slipknot)
John McGrogan (jmcgrogan2)
John Woodworth (The_smokester)
Jeff Logan (Jeffloistarca)
Dan Anderson (Danlib1)
Michael Klein (Swampwalker)
Albert Porter (Albertporter)
Oris Newman (Newmanoc)
Toby Earp (tobias)
Jack Sujovolsky (Jsujo)

With warmest regards,
Doug Deacon
Paul Frumkin
I simply cannot express how touched I've been by every expression of kindness, sympathy, generosity and compassion shown by the many Audiogon members in the above list AND the many members that have contacted me personally. Thanks to each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart.

I hope there isn't much confusion from the viewers of this post about what the heck is this about so for enlightenment purposes the short story is I've but a short time left here on earth. Paul, in his magical way started a thread about yours truly that is a difficult read but one that is important beyond any words I can write. This isn't about audio. The gear and gifts are an extension of something much greater that everyone really, REALLY needs to learn. It is easier to love than to hate.

The bold among this community will follow the first thread until the end and I thank the owners of this site in the most profound of ways for allowing this thread to continue for the greater good of mankind. THAT is how touched I am by what is going on. I've said this in the other thread but feel it should be said again as it's the most important thing I can share with you readers. I sincerely hope that by following this journey with me that the experience will give you more than it takes away.

My heartfelt thanks to each and everyone of you.

Pat -

I can not tell you what a privilege it has been to be but a small part of this. I can think of no greater joy I’ve had in recent years than helping bring someone of your caliber closer to music so that it may do what it was created for – to stir the soul and whisk us away from everything that’s around us even if but for a short time.

I know I speak for everyone when I say that it is not we who have given you a gift, sir – it is you who have gifted us with your openness, your zeal, your will, and your sheer determination and bravery. I’ve never spoken with or met you, Pat, but I tell you – you’ve had a positive impact upon my life and you are the purest definition of inspiration.


You're still in our prayers, the privelege is to those who have gotten to know you to one degree or another. There is no greater friend than a friend in need. I am thankful to all who have given of themselves for the sake of Pat and Barb.


Paul & Doug sure did a fantastic job assembling this system. This community continues to amaze me with their helpful advice and willingness to pitch in and help out fellow members.

I'm quite impressed/pleased that manufacturers such as Ridge Street Audio, Snell, and Audiopoint helped out with their products; we all should go out of our way to patronize these companies.

Enjoy the system Pat, and more importantly get well.

Regards, Jeff (artist formerly known as jeffloistar)