suggestions for DVD player as transport

Can you audiophiles recommend a DVD player that works as an excellent transport? Or would you recommend a separate CD transport as "better"?

I already have a top-notch DAC that handles 24/96 inputs, so I'd bypass the internal DAC on the DVD player, though not the DVD player's Dolby Digital decoding in the digital domain.

I currently use a Sony DVP7700 for DVD and CD, but it downconverts DVDs to redbook specs for digital output. I'd hate to get both a new DVD player *and* a CD transport if that can be avoided. I'd like to hold off on the CD only transport until the SACD/DVD-A picture settles more. An AES/EBU output would be great too.
What is your DAC. If it is top notch as you say, then get a top notch transport. A DVD would a top notch disaster as you top notch DAC would reveal all of its bad qualities. The better your components are , the worse your bad components will sound.
I disagree. The Pioneer DVDs like the 4l4 and 525 make excellent transports, especially when modified. Better yet, my Musical Concepts-modded 4l4 didn't even need a DAC except to achieve some audiophile cred ( When hooked up to a full-bells-and-whistles MSB it sounded identical with and without the MSB). If you don't believe it (and I probably wouldn't either), you simply haven't heard one. I'll be selling mine soon; finally found something that sounds better (a Sony XA777ES SACD player). Cheers, Dave
I'm using a Muse 9 sig as a transport only now into a DCS Delius. The DAC is a big improvement over the digital section in the Muse. And the Muse is pretty highly rated. You could go with a Muse 8/Erato and pick up DVD-A as well.
The Theta DaViD is a very good transport. You can find them used for around $2000.