Buy a hi-end CD player/transport now?

Thinking about buying a hi-end CD player/transport such as CARY 306 or the like. I'm wondering about waiting for some hi-end CD/DVD players that will support SACD/DVD-audio as well. One of those formats will eventually win out. The mass merchandise guys already have these all-purpose players so it's only a matter of time for Meridian, Cary...etc, right?

I'm concerend about spending $$$ now for a CD player only to find the other formats come to be and then having to buy another unit.

What do you think?
Aroc - as a follow-up, my "Kerned" 333ES did in fact walk all over my stock DI/O. I never got a chance to have the DI/O modded so I can't compare but given that I did compare the 2 units there was a huge difference in presentation. I'm not convinced that a modded DI/O would even be close but thats just my opinion using my system as a benchmark...

I don't think you can buy any new DAC for the cost of a modded DI/O that will perform as well and thus it does deserve its praise for a great return on such a small investment!
Sure the modded DI/O owns its price point. It's probably good for someone who wants something better (outboard D/A) but doesn't want to shell out too much for it at this time. So it is a viable solution.
no, i have *not* had intimate experience w/all (or even with many?) hi-dollar cd-rigs. all i know, is the experience i *have* had: my modded di/o, fed from a modest nad 5-disc cd-changer, smokes the well-respected $1.8k alchemist nexus, & the $3k+ resolution audio gear. there are others, tho, w/hi-dollar cd experience, that think the di/o *does* hold its own, in comparison. i 1st heard about them here:


doug s., don't have $4k+ to spend on digital hardware, even if the format wars *were* decided! ;~)
Look, folks, this alleged format war is getting tiresome. I agree with most everyone's comments regarding the lack of titles, etc. Bottom line is that HDCD is on a par with SACD/DVD-A, you don't need to buy an expensive new player geared towards a questionable format, you won't have to chuck existing CDs to replace 'em with a new format, and there are tons of HDCD titles available NOW. Also, with the backing of Microsoft (which bought Pacific Microsonics - the patent holder of HDCD), you can be certain that Mr. Gates and Co. will do what it takes to make HDCD THE format of choice.

My advice is to get the BEST redbook player you can (preferably with a HDCD chip) and let 'er rip! I just ought a Cary 303/200 and it sounds awesome. Everything is sounding wonderful and I'm not losing any sleep over the format war. Let 'em kill each other. I can listen and rest easy knowing that I'm a non-combatant.
rlb61, i pretty-much agree w/what you're saying, tho i don't have 1st-hand experience w/hdcd. only thing i have a small disagreement about, is how much money is needed to spend to get the most out of a basically flawed format... ;~)

doug s., happily on the sidelines, too! :>)