Can Someone Explain This?

I just got my new EMC-1 24/192 about a week ago and absolutely love it. As a relative 'newbie' to this hobby, I have little experience or frame of reference in high end gear, and did not really fully understand how or why someone could describe a CD player as having an 'analog' sound. Now I do.

However, last night I experienced something that had me experimenting for hours and finally left me scratching my head in bewilderment. I was listening to one of my favorite CDs and a particularly beautiful acoustic track on it. For some reason, it didn't sound quite right. Something seemed to be "missing." After listening to this track over and over, I determined that part of the "plucking" of the guitar (specifically the higher notes) WAS missing. Just to be certain that I wasn't cracking up, I plugged in my old CD player, the Ultech (which sounded harsh and strident next to the water smooth EMC-1), and--sure enough--the information was restored.

I have not noticed the EMC-1 doing this with any other CDs, although I am obviously still getting acquainted with it.
I confess I am completely baffled with this turn of events. Does anyone have a clue what I might be experiencing or why?
Do I have a defective player? If the same CD plays perfectly on another player, the computer CD-Rom drive, and my car CD player, shouldn't it also play on the EMC-1?

I will send a box of chocolates to anyone who can help me solve this problem.:-)

Happy Valentine's Day to all.
The only thing I can offer is perhaps the EMC uses a form of digital processing to smooth out very sharp high frequency transitions. In most cases this would create a more "analog" sound--smoother and warmer. It would get rid of that high frequency harsh (or is it hash) sound. However, you may have found a disc that is on the threshold of the EMC interpreting that sharp gradient of the string pluck at a high frequency to some form of digital noise--and it's therefore filtering it out--to protect you from that cold harsh digital sound.

I really have no idea about how the EMC actually does their digital processing--so I could be entirely wrong--but the concept seems plausible. And I'll pass on the chocolates--even if I'm right--but thanks.
I may not be able to answer your problem but I am real cute and like chocolate ;) Bah it was worth a shot!

I'm not sure what filtering Electrocompaniet uses in their player. I am using Perpetual Technologies P1A/P3A, and I had to send the P3A back for service because it was seriously cutting off high frequencies. Like you, when I compared it to another player, I got all my high frequencies back. The explanation I received from Perpetual Tech was that the upsampling was "Mistracking" for lack of a more approriate term. When the unit came back from service shortly afterwards, high frequencies were restored.
My advice is to go to the nearest dealer, friend, show, audiophile club and pop that disc into another EMC player. If you don't get the same results, I'd assume the player was defective, and I wouldn't sit on my hands procrastinating about returning it. Of course, why not return to the place you purchased it from and find out there?
At any rate, don't wait too long. The ship to Norway leaves in two days and won't be back until Spring, if you know what I mean...............
Hi Walter

I had the same bad experience with my Accuphase DP-65V(compared with my old Pioneer PD-91),but after two weeks all the details(without harsh),come back.Your EMC-1 is great!Wait and Enjoy!