Can Someone Explain This?

I just got my new EMC-1 24/192 about a week ago and absolutely love it. As a relative 'newbie' to this hobby, I have little experience or frame of reference in high end gear, and did not really fully understand how or why someone could describe a CD player as having an 'analog' sound. Now I do.

However, last night I experienced something that had me experimenting for hours and finally left me scratching my head in bewilderment. I was listening to one of my favorite CDs and a particularly beautiful acoustic track on it. For some reason, it didn't sound quite right. Something seemed to be "missing." After listening to this track over and over, I determined that part of the "plucking" of the guitar (specifically the higher notes) WAS missing. Just to be certain that I wasn't cracking up, I plugged in my old CD player, the Ultech (which sounded harsh and strident next to the water smooth EMC-1), and--sure enough--the information was restored.

I have not noticed the EMC-1 doing this with any other CDs, although I am obviously still getting acquainted with it.
I confess I am completely baffled with this turn of events. Does anyone have a clue what I might be experiencing or why?
Do I have a defective player? If the same CD plays perfectly on another player, the computer CD-Rom drive, and my car CD player, shouldn't it also play on the EMC-1?

I will send a box of chocolates to anyone who can help me solve this problem.:-)

Happy Valentine's Day to all.
I have an EMC-1 with MK11 upgrade and although probably not much of a help, my player seems fine. I think cornfedboy is on to something telling you to give it time to break in. I don't know about the chocolates, but I wouldn't mind some of Tireguy's M&M's.
Oh my now the cat is out of the bag, we're all in for it, Kelly you said you wouldn't tell! ;)
Thanks, everyone. I think I am relieved mostly because this scenario seems plausible to those of you in the know. I suppose I should have mentioned that I am burning in two new amps (Bel Canto EVO 200.2), new ICs (Homegrown Audio Silver Lace), along with an almost new pre-amp (First Sound Presence Deluxe MK2), in addition to the EMC-1. I realize now that this is an idiotic approach to upgrading one's system, but I just decided I needed more from my system and got a little carried away. I still have speaker cables on the way.

I have been playing the system more or less constantly for the past few days (except when I'm sleeping) waiting for it to burn in. I did consider the relative newness of the components as a possible reason for the problem, but then thought it must be something else since all the other CDs SEEMED to be playing all right. I mean, it is clear that the overall sound of the system is improving by the day, but I haven't had any similar experiences of completely losing details in the music until last night.

I am considering buying a CD from Purist Audio that is supposed to significantly speed up the burn in process and tune up the whole system. Does anyone have any experience with or opinions about such a device?

I've been so preoccupied pondering the thought-provoking theories you've so kindly provided that I've eaten half the chocolates already. Sorry, Tireguy.

try experimenting with different upgrade AC cords; each model will sound somewhat different. You may be able to tune the system via this approach; it usually works for me. Also play around with cones, shelving & isolation footers; all of these tweaks can affect your results. Go into the forum archives & start reading up; you'll find a LOT of info.
Hi Walter; If you bought the EMC-1 from a dealer, you should certainly discuss your observations re high freguency losses with him just to make sure that he's "in the loop" should something prove to be defective. And he may also have some advice/experience regarding your observations. But getting all that new stuff broken in is probably the first order of business as those above recommend. I love chocolate, but can seldom have it. Good Luck. Craig