Pass Lab X1 and X250 - Which XLR?

I've got a new amp and preamp headed my way as we speak and need help finding decent "starter" balanced interconnects. Due to the $$$ I just laid out, I would like to ease into the world of balanced cables with something good but affordable (under $500/pair?) with the idea of upgrading at a later date.

Speakers are Genesis V - front end to be determined...

Given the quality of the preamp and power amp you chose, it would be a mistake to "ease in" too easily, when for a few hundred dollars more now you can avoid having to upgrade at all. On Audiogon you can get a pair of superb balanced cables used for $750-$900 which cost around $2000 or even more just last year. The two obvious (to me anyway) suggestions are HMS Gran Finale (the balanced IC version is probably the best of all of HMS' cables) and Purist Proteus. I've used both between a Pass X1 and Aleph 2, and thought they were both excellent, with the HMS especially warm and still detailed--a perfect match. Good luck.
KAS audio often auction pairs of their Maestro cables.
If you could win a pair these are exceptional value for the money.
I have two pairs which compare favourably to Kimber Select KS-1030.
Other than that I would recommend used Kimber.
Rgds Simon
Acoustic Zen silver ref. I have the pass X250 and a pass d-1 dac with the AZ and they are by far the most open and detailed cables I have used so far. I do have a 1 meter set on agon now below your price range I move my set up and needed a longer pair. If interested let me know.