
curiuos about mapleshade cables[products].seems they claim everything they make blows away everything made by everyone else.can't be that do thier products,not thier cd's,rate?thanks for comments.
Their Samson equipment rack/stand is awesome and very reasonably priced IMO. I like it better than the Zoethecus products due to its adjustability and pricing.
Why not take them up on their 30 day offer and report back.There is nothing like first-hand experience.I really like the upper-end Omega Mikro cables.They are very detailed and dynamic without sacrificing musicality.They don't give a hoot about anything ,but the sonics.Not for the clumsy.
The Mapleshade top of the line power strip for front end components, and top of the line power cord for amplifier directly into the AC wall outlet have remained in a number of my systems through many other changes. Great transient speed, and dynamics, with amazing bass "weight" which startled me considering the flimsy appearance of the cords.
The more esoteric Omega Mikro cables are in a higher price category compared to the Mapleshade products found on the website.
The top of the line Mapleshade interconnects are also great value, but I have recently found those from to surpass them, at super low list price of $120 per pair. Together with his speaker cables, his products have made me an enthusiast for this custom, small manufacturer who specializes in very few key items, selling directly and cheaply.
I think that the money back home trial policy of Gregg, and other sellers, finally allows the listener at home to be sure of what he is hearing in his own system. Let your own ears convince you who "blows away everything made by everyone else," as you phrased it. I think there is a big market for superb, bargain wire products that allow our components to deliver the musical pleasure they were designed to produce.
Not everyone will win the lottery, and be able to afford $2000 cables.
If you want a real laugh, get a copy of the Mapleshade catalog. Funny stuff. He obviously has a high opinion of himself.