
curiuos about mapleshade cables[products].seems they claim everything they make blows away everything made by everyone else.can't be that do thier products,not thier cd's,rate?thanks for comments.
If you want a real laugh, get a copy of the Mapleshade catalog. Funny stuff. He obviously has a high opinion of himself.
I know Pierre and he is a fanatic about sound and has excellent ears. I don't always agree with him but all his theories have reasons behind them. I buy all my stuff at list so I have no interest. I think his speaker stands are exceptional and very good looking. I have found his speaker cables and interconnects to be good value for the money and to be very good. BUT , cables are very subjective things and are susceptible to all varieties of system interactions. Why not start with some cheaper items and if they impress you exchange them for more expensive ones? With the return policy you will only be out the postage. Stan
Can't say much for his taste in musicians, but he sure knows how to produce an excellent sounding CD(I know-oxymoron!). Some of the best I've heard, right up there with Chesky & Reference Recordings.