Electrical problems?

I have this plops from my speakers during LP playback. They definately do not happen with CDs.
I believe that loud passages trigger these.
Also when I use the cueing in my ET2 tonearm sometimes there are these horrible noises, similar I believe to the plops during playback but in a raft mode as I move the cueing lever.
I have grounded the Teres motor pod to the middle socket in an electrical outlet, along with a wire to the grounding screw in the preamp (this ATC-1 Air Tight has a two prong connector without ground), even a wire to the metal axis of the vta adjusting lever in my ET2 tonearm. I have tried connecting and removing these for different combinations but this is not gone.
I also have a miniature tester for gounding from RadioShack to make sure that the grounds are correct in the outlets, and to cap it up I am now using a Monster 2000 power strip JUST to try to spot a solution to this problem and I believe that with the grounding improvement from using the tester and this power strip I have been able to reduce it but I am not sure and definatly not altogether.
Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
I spoke to Chris at Teres and his suggestion is to connect the wire from the screw at the bottom of the table which I believes connects the bearing to the power adapters ground.
But he suggested that it may not be possible to eliminate the static building up from the platter altogether. He also suggested me to use silk thread instead of the rubber band that I am using. I am getting some in a few days and I will see if it has any effect in the static build up. The most upsetting situation would be if this static build up has an effecr in the second amp that I want to install and then I won't be able to install it, due to current overload of right channel as the amp signaled and then got shut off, as I metioned in the former post.
Connecting the cable from the bottom of the turntable at the bearing to the power adapter's ground terminal didn't help eliminate the hum. The system is humming as hell when switched to phono stage; once when opening the bedroom door there was a static discharge and it telegraphed as a poping sound from the speaker. Any ideas?
This is new:
When the tip of the neddle touches the platter you hear noise. A new noise. It clearly goes away when you lift the neddle from the platter. Or the record. Basicaly, the grounding of the turntable I think has been done. There is a wire going from the bottom of the turntable at the button of the spindle that goes into the ground connector or the power adapter of the motor of the turntable. I heard that this is what should be done. Therefore, i think that the case is lost. For as long as I keep this equipment combination, I will have to live with noise. Ironic.