VPI Scout ... move to Scoutmaster or even further

Now that I'm convinced playing vinyl is the most rewarding listening, I'm thinking of more performance from my set-up. I bought a Scout with a 20x H Dynevector cart. mated to a Anthem Pre1P and have enjoyed that for awhile now. I'm thinking of possibly moving to a Scoutmaster but have been recommended to just step-up to a better table altogether, a Nottingham Spacedec, keeping my other gear intact. The thinking is at this stage the table is the critical link and although the Scout a great table at its price, the upgraded ones are essentially more of the same. Moving to a even higher end table gives a better overall design for essentially the same cost. This seems to make sense but am wondering what you all think. Initially I was a bit hesitant at all buying such a good table to start as once the thrill wears off, it might sit and collect dust. After a year and a half, now I know that isn't the case. Those records spin continuously where before the shinny discs never really did.
A somewhat mixed bag of e-pions, all of which appreciated. To upgrade the Scout would cost at least a grand to scoutmaster status without any motor control (why don't motors just do what they are supposed to??) and then perhaps the Ginko thing adding another 300 or so. All told about 1,400. OR sell the Scout netting perhaps 1,200, take another 1,800 (400 more then upgrading)buy the Spacedec and perhaps have a much more worthy table including an arguably better tonearm then the JMW 9. The JMW9 design is terrific but is a bit 'loose'. Fundamentally isn't the Aires table about the same as a scout but perhaps heavier etc? That cost would be well over the Spacedec. A lot to consider in light of the dollars getting so close.

BTW... wouldn't that Ginko achieve the same great results used under any non-suspended table? I admittedly do not have the best base now under my table although one is on the way.

I'm of the mindset to just keep the same cartridge for now. I'm not sure any real money is there in selling a 'used' cartridge... they're so delicate I'd be afraid to buy one used. I've no doubt there are better ones but just how much better for the amount more I'd have to spend. I'd probably save that upgrade for on down the road.

The Anthem phono stage is tubed but if you look inside, there isn't much there in terms of gizmos and wiring. I'm no engineer but the inner workings of it compared to the insides of others (ARC, Sonic Frontiers etc.) is pretty simple. I know there are mods that can be done to this unit and the cost is relatively slight compared to buying a 1,500 to 3,000 phono stage which seems to be the right playground for an improvement phono stage wise. Do mods make sense for that, given there probably are a lot better parts that could have made up the unit.

I don't see myself out of solid state for a pre as I've just one system which has to double for the theatre too. Although I have added another Anthem amp with a tubed input stage for my mains which was a totally worthwile buy.

Still, it seems like everything sound wise has to start at the source. The better the sounds start, doesn't it make each and every other component in the line's job easier to extract the most? If so, the table has to be crucial I'd think.

I agree with Tim, IMHO the weakest link in the components listed is your current phono section. I personally am considering A Supratek, also the new Whest ps.20 looks like a great value based on Mikey Fermers review. As far as turntables go the Teres 245 Table, Origin Live Silver-TWL Modified Tonearm and the Shelter 501 Mk II low output mc cartridge are exceptional values and all giant killers.

Good luck Ben I thought because of your statement
"I was a bit hesitant at all buying such a good table to start as once the thrill wears off, it might sit and collect dust. After a year and a half, now I know that isn't the case. Those records spin continuously where before the shinny discs never really did."
you were ready to get a rig that you could purchase and never look back.

If it wll help, I've just received a new Scoutmaster (stock arm and motor) and I am pairing it with a Supratek Chenin. I've only had this 2 days so the TT is not yet broken in but so far, a wonderful combination. I'm using a borrowed Denon 103 which seems to be a reasonable value for the money. Now I'm quite new to vinyl but I can immediately tell the Supratek is a great phono stage. It seems very sensitive but lets the music flood through! I plan to get a Gingko Cloud 11 and maybe a better cartridge soon so things can only get better!


I just got my scoutmaster JMW9 with a dynavector 10x5.
my phono is an EAR 834P. this is my first set up and i cant compare it really to other TT's.

So far im enjoying it - have not used my naim cd 3.5 + flatcap power supply since i got it.

the first upgrade for me would be the gingko cloud 11 platform.