What do I do with a FedEx claim denial?

Well, I have just had my first bad experience with FedEx. I recently sent an item back to the manufacturer for service and the remote was damaged during shipment. I asked for a letter from the manufacturer confirming the damage and the $200 replacement cost. The package was insured for $1000. I sent the letter in with the claim form to FedEx. As expected, FedEx denied the claim. The remote came loose from its compartment in the foam packing material during shipment and cracked. There was no visable damage to the box. What recourse do I have other than to get a lawyer? Hardly seems worth the effort for $200. I definately plan to cancel my FedEx account but then I will have to use UPS which is probably worse. Isn't this kind of thing the reason you buy insurance?

I agree they should honor whatever agreement they have entered into. The "Terms and Conditions" that is part of every airbill states in part "We won't be liable for your acts or omissions, including but not limited to improper or insufficient packing" That seems pretty clear to me also. Pack it correctly or they won't pay. The question then becomes what is "improper and insufficient packing?" It is my contention that if part of what you are shipping is moving around in the box, it is not properly packed.

In any case, I'm off on vacation for a few weeks and can't concern myself with such things for a while. Good luck to Mchd1 on whatever avenue you decide to pursue.

"If part of what you are shipping is moving around in the box, it is not properly packed." Then the carrier ought not to accept responsiblity to insure the goods being transported. It's not brain surgery. Have a great vacation!!
Just a point of clarrification. The remote was not moving around when I gave the package to FedEx. It was snugly fit into a compartment surrounded on three sides by foam packing braces and on three sides by the top, bottom,and side of the shipping box. The remote was jarred loose during transit with sufficient force to cause it to move around the box and crack. I still do not understand how the remote got out of this compartment. I do not remember there being enough of an opening for the remote to squeeze out and get into the main part of the box, but there obviously was. I am getting the component back this week from the manufacturer and will be able to re-examine the remote,box and packing material. There are other things that I could have done with the remote to prepare it for shipping that might have prevented damage and I will certainly do them in the future but I did not simply toss the remote in the box and send it off to California.