Best budget $100 - 200 Phono Pre-amp?

I was wondering which of the "budget" phono pre-amps is best. I am considering the NAD, Pro-ject, Music Hall, Creek OBM8 or the Goldring. Any ideas?
The 12AX7, like many modern small-signal tubes, is actually two discrete tubes housed in one vacuum envelope and sharing a common heater. One section, or tube, can handle one channel and the other another. In tube receiving manuals this tube is referred to as a small-signal dual triode.
Would this compromise channel separation - either substantially or subtlely? (Or am I asking for too much at $160? for a phono stage? : - )

If the stock Sovtech 12AX7 is found wanting, you can always roll another one in. One could always question whether a two tube circuited preamp is providing identical signal handling capabilities without a matched set - and even then ...
The review in HI-FI+ gave it a thumbs up on channel separation, but in the end you're right - we are talking about a $160 (street) phono stage. But for those whose systems don't provide tape outs and headphone jacks, I think this little puppy is worth a look.
Using the two elements of the tube in different channels should not compromise channel seperation. Usually, capacitive coupleing of components on the circuit board compromises channel seperation in multi-channel circuits. Don't forget, records are not cut with particularly high seperation, nor do phono cartridges have high seperation either. It is hardly the forte of phono replay in general.