Upsampling / Oversampling DAC

I am looking for a list of the very few high-resolving-power DACs available. Now that 24/96 is old news, and even 24/192 is commonplace, I am curious about the 24/768 units. I know about the Boulder and Dodson, but surely there are others. What else is available?
As much as I am a supporter of SACD, I don't mind in the least if a 32 (or 24) bit standard takes over--all of them are or would be better than 16 bit redbook CD. The problem is convincing the masses to accept something other than CDs, which these days are sounding better than they ever have.
I agree RC. Personally, I don't foresee SACD hanging around too long. I could be wrong but only time will tell.

I do find it kind of funny that it took SOOOO long to achieve the current high level of reproduction that we have. After all, CD was marketed as being "perfect sound forever". It has only taken us 17 years to come this far from "perfection". The main benefit that i see with future formats is that, if the manufacturer's are smart ( ha ha ha ), they will incorporate all of the best technology learned along the way into future products. If they do that ( which they haven't even with multi-thousand dollar SACD players so far ), we would all benefit.

Part of the problem with any new format is that you have to upgrade ALL of the associated recording equipment. With new equipment, the engineers need to become familiar with how to optimize its' performance. That only comes with hands on use and trial and error. Since this can only be done by "practice runs", you can expect the best of any new format and the associated recordings to NOT be as good was what we can get out of it sometime down the road. Experience ( or lack of it ) does account for a lot of what we hear in various recordings.

Obviously, not all studios, production companies, etc... would feel the need to upgrade to a newer standard unless the results were SO astoundingly better. As such, we'll continue to see 16 bit redbook standards for quite some time to come. As such, i'm glad that i bought my upsampler and will continue to enjoy it. That is, until something else that is both a proven format AND has a good selection of recordings to choose from comes along. Sean
Another part of the problem for us perfectionists (nuts?), I suppose, is that for a while we will be stuck with less than high-end equipment (the Sony SCD-1 and 777ES were comparative exceptions, and due to their excellent transport mechanisms were great platforms for mods to the analog stage) on which to play the new format until it's established and the high end manufacturers can risk putting money into it. I might be interested in a high-end DVD-A player, since I can't use my 24/96 DAC to play the discs (which does tick me off), but who among the perfectionist manufacturers is going to make one till the format wars are settled? So while I hope SACD catches on, I agree, redbook CD will be around a long time--that's why I bought a Purcell a couple of years ago. Always hedge my investments...