My New Bel Canto DAC 2's just outta the box, and it certainly needs some break-in, but here's my initial reaction. All obsevations are meant to be comparisons with the DAC 1.1. Most importantly the DAC 2 significantly deepens the soundstage. I'd even go so far as saying that it's 30/40 percent deeper. Next, vocals both male and female, are clearer and a little more forward. It seems that the DAC 2 has lost some of the 1.1's liquidity and therefore is a little less musical. On the other hand the occasional muffling that the 1.1 is guilty of has disappeared. I'll get back after some significant break-in. Cheers.
Hi Tbadder. Iused to own the 1.1 and sold it in favor of a Kora Hermes, so your comments are very interesting to me. I'm sure your DAC2 will only get better and gain musicality as it breaks in. What do you have it mated to? Bel Canto is a great company. Let us know how it shapes up.
Yes, initial reactions are deceptive, definitely need 1-200 hrs to settle in. BTW what digital cable and AC cord are you using, any info about your system would be most helpful.

Please keep us posted.
Tbadder, (or anyone): What transport, or DVDP, are you using your DAC 2 with? And what kind of cable? I've been shopping for a new or used CDP (Cary, Meridian 508.24, etc) but am starting to consider the Bel Canto DAC & would initially use with my Pioneer 525; or maybe get a Sony ES-9000. Any advice? Anyone have a sense of how the DAC 2 compares with $2k to $4K CDP's?

Thanks! Steve