What's the best 5 disc cd player for under 1,000?

What's the best sounding (don't care about spec's) 5 disc changer cd player currently available? Will be used in typical "stereo" system. Thanks.
CAL CL-10 sells used for about $7-800. Stereophile Class B and has a full range of digital outs if you want to upgrade to an outboard DAC at a later date. Its quite a nice unit.
Cal Audio is very nice if you like smooth as opposed to hi-rez, very analog sounding and can be found for around $1000 on demo. But I believe they went out of business?
California Audio labs CL-10(discontinued) DOM is on rear, look for a 99 or2000 as many small changes were made since 95 when this unit received good reviews. I had a 95 and now a 2000 and their is quite an improvement in sound over the older models.
do'nt laugh but for under 500 a radio shack modified by paul weitzel will beat anything stan warren has to offer. help me out guys who have these. they will play 6 disc as well.
In our experience, we have not found any other multi-disc CD player at $1,000 or less (retail) that can match the musical performance of the Arcam Alpha MCD.

We are not a dealer for Arcam, but we have auditioned this model extensively. Happy listening!


High End Audio That Is Music To Your Ears
www.wenterprisesnw.com ||| wenw@qwest.net