Name 1 Cable in your system you could not live w/o

In other words , you currently own it , and it would be the last one you would consider ever selling. Im my case , In my system, I would say My Ridge Street going from my CDP to Pre. Feel free to nominate a power cord if you feel stongly about it. Of course synergy plays a stong part, but what the heck, its a fun question , Thanks.
I have no knowlege of any earlier thread. I, do however have a large bump on my head. Barney Fife Rules !
Keep your cable nominations coming. its interesting in a Readers Digest sort of way, to hear what cables work for the Agoners ! THX
One cable in my system that I could not live without?

The cable that runs from the breaker box to the power outlet.

Without it, the system sounds lifeless. I don't know why ;-)
I'm with Rex, but I'd add, take away pretty much any one of my power cables in my one-source system, and it sounds pretty lifeless as well.

Absolutely on the AU24's too- wonderful wire!

Lindsey-Geyer Balanced interconnects.

Power cords to my Krells:
Pure Note Sigma.

Speaker cables:
I am about to try XLO reference. I just bought three biwire runs. I will try them up against my Krell Path (that I have been using for a dozen years. Whichever wins, will be what I will probably live with for the next ten years.
